Miss Huguowu’s hiss was blocked, incarnation of the ponytail girl in the flat face, stealthy high town hall! Looking to go to the exhibition grounds | Apple News | Apple Daily


After the outbreak of the Wuhan epidemic earlier this year (2020), the “Miss Huguo Dance”, who denounced Taiwanese businessmen suspected of being infected and went to the Kaohsiung Kimberley Ballroom for a party, was denounced in April and later was blocked by peers. At that time, the Labor Office stepped in to help find a job. Miss Wu immediately replied that she didn’t need it. However, following the incident, it was reported that he had temporarily left the work office after working for more than a month. In this regard, the Labor Office did not want to respond, but “Apple News” tracked that Ms. Wu was assisted by the Labor Office as an administrative assistant in the Office, with a monthly salary of more than 20,000, but could not adapt to the 9 to 5 job and salary bias. Low, resign after working for a month.

It is understood that although the dancer is almost 50 years old, she has maintained a good posture due to proper maintenance. It’s over 160cm tall and looks plain without makeup. She only has a ponytail, but her appearance is still bright and her conversational temperament is not bad. However, he is very defensive and rarely interacts with his colleagues.

Regarding the news that “Miss National Dance” had worked in the Labor Office, the Labor Office confirmed to the media that the matter involved personal privacy and if she served in the Labor Office it had nothing to do with him. Labor Office business. The Labor Office did not comment on this message. Or reply. However, it is understood that in April this year, it was reported that Ms. Wu was prohibited from work. At that time, the head of labor, Wang Qiudong, told her business colleagues to contact her to help her find a job. At that point, she said, “Thank you for your concern. Help from the office.

However, after a few weeks, she took the initiative to contact coworkers from the Labor Office via LINE for help, saying that the environment was not good at the time and that she was still unemployed. . The Labor Office went to the trouble to help her find an administrative assistant job that was stationed at the Office by hiring job office makers, Responsible for simple tasks such as handing out photocopied documents and answering phone calls Monthly salary is slightly higher than basic salary, about 20,000 yuan.

The Labor Office staff who contacted her revealed that because Ms. Wu did not work in the office from 9 to 5, although the job was simple, she did not feel willing to work. Shortly after leaving for work, she said she had another part-time paperwork at 6 p.m. I was hoping to get off work at 4:30 PM. He did not obtain the permit due to inconsistency with regulations. About a month later, he took the initiative to resign.

The Labor Office staff admitted that at the time, because Ms. Wu was known for “protecting the country,” single parents had to raise their children to face the pressures of rent and life. At the time, the director particularly hoped to be able to provide assistance and attention, so he also bothered to organize a relatively easy job. She was somewhat grateful.The fair act of prosecution is just that office workers’ work is different from the ballroom after all, and the difference in income is also large, so she can understand that it is not suitable for leave. I just hope that if you have a need, you can still contact the Labor Office to find other suitable jobs. (Reported by Zhou Zhaoping / Kaohsiung)
