Ministry of Health, Welfare and Welfare Reduced Request for Local Amendments to Laiji’s Autonomous Zero Detection Regulations: Will Reissue Document Document-UDN United News Network


  1. The Ministry of Health and Welfare has reduced the requirements for local amendments to the Laiji Autonomous Zero Detection Regulations: UDN will be republished. United News Network
  2. 20201028 Zhongtian News Laizhu zero detection violation of regulations? Lu Xiuyan hits the Central Committee: Zhongtian News CH52 pun
  3. Exposure of official documents! Ministry of Health and Fu’s face hit 5 counties and cities with “zero detection” of clenbuterol, 1/1 next year is invalid ETtoday News Cloud
  4. Pig War Lai! Political Yuan issued a document pointing directly to the local UDN amendment when the deadline is violated. United News Network
  5. Movie / Tao Xiu Fa exceeded Laizhu’s zero detection and increased the penalty.
  6. Go to Google News to see the full report