Men Who Are Enthusiastic About Allowing Hitchhiker Moms And Daughters To Return To Taiwan But Are Diagnosed With New Crowns “Filled With 12 Pipelines” -Politics-China Times


Since the outbreak of the new corona pneumonia epidemic earlier this year, the epidemic has continued to spread. The new confirmed cases in Taiwan have also been imported from abroad. Kuomintang lawmaker Wen Yuxia recently revealed on Facebook that a friend of hers who had returned to Taiwan from South Africa was diagnosed with new coronary pneumonia, but the reason turned out to be “anxious to allow a Taiwanese mother and daughter pair to also you’re going back to Taiwan take a walk. ” The other party concealed the condition and did not take protective measures such as wearing a mask. As a result, the friend was filled with 12 pipes and was struggling with death. She couldn’t help but criticize “Hiding the condition is the most selfish behavior!”

Wen Yuxia wrote on her face. The friend was sent by her son to return to Taiwan by plane from South Africa. The father and son enthusiastically asked a Taiwanese mother and daughter who were also going back to Taiwan for a walk. The two mothers and their daughters knew they had symptoms of sneezing and a runny nose, but during the 80-kilometer free ride, they did not take protective measures, such as wearing masks, and were not told that they were going back to Taiwan for tests and testing. treatment of COVID-19.

However, Wen Yuxia revealed that the mother and daughter arrived in Taiwan and informed the airport quarantine staff that they had suspicious symptoms when they entered the country. The screening test was indeed confirmed. People on the same plane as the mother and daughter were also notified that they should undergo a search. “Negotiable. Yes, they did not mention that within 72 hours, they had also spent 50 minutes in a closed car with other people without wearing a mask, causing their friends to miss the opportunity for early detection.”

Wen Yuxia said that from the isolation room to the intensive care room, her friend has 12 ducts throughout her body and is battling death in hopes of overcoming the torture of the virus. However, the doctor reported that even if they are cured in the future, the lungs will also produce irreversible pulmonary fibrosis. At the same time as the painstaking treatment, the family also wondered if their son, who was far away in South Africa, really escaped and was lucky not to be infected. So far, the family is very angry and very sad Why should the mother and daughter deliberately hide, exposing the father and son to a high risk of infection?

Wen Yuxia criticized that even after entering the country for the diagnosis, the mother and daughter still did not vomit, so their friends missed the incubation period check. When the diarrhea was violent, the family informed the Office staff of Health that the friend had been in the same car for almost an hour with the confirmed mother and daughter, but this The lady still denied and let her friends repeatedly miss the prime time for rapid tests and treatment. “Good intentions, it is not about thanks and rewards, but about attracting the ruthless disease to gnaw on your body and mind! Now the good things that help others have turned into irretrievable regrets. The whole origin is only because of selfishness and hiding the mother and daughter! “

Finally, Wen Yuxia also took advantage of this experience to tell everyone: “The virus has no eyes, but the difference between good and bad is often only between one thought. Isolate yourself and protect yourself, please protect and respect others! ! ” After the post was exposed, there were many. Netizens were also very angry and left messages saying “Personal ethics is as important as epidemic prevention” and “This is really too much! Definitely announce the names of the mother and daughter in Taiwan! Please continue with follow-up development and convey to people a clear truth. “Support committee members”, “There are so many immoral people, I wish my friends a safe family.”

In addition, the Kuomintang legislator Ye Yulan also appeared in a message and said: “It is a pity, I hope that Mr. Friends can recover soon. But if there is a general evaluation in the country, he will not delay the treatment.”

In this case, the command center responded later, noting that a friend of legislator Wen Yuxia was in the case of 477. He has been released from intubation and isolation and is currently hospitalized.

Article Source: Legislator Wen Yuxia Facebook

(Zhongshi News Network)
