Members of Congress asked the Supreme Court: Do the four swing states comply with the Constitution? | Supreme Court | Ballots sent by mail | Electoral fraud


[La Gran Época 25 de diciembre de 2020](Epoch Times reporter Zhang Yujie compiled a report) Arizona Federal Representative Debbie Lesko (Debbie Lesko) published an article on Newsmax on December 23, stating that the Supreme Court must rule whether the four undecided states sued by Texas they have complied with the Constitution. He listed the alleged violations of the law in these 4 states and said that undermining free and fair elections is undermining the stability of the United States.

Lesko said at the beginning of the article that 126 Republican congressmen, including herself, posed a question to the Federal Supreme Court in the “amicus curiae brief” – in the 2020 general election, Texas sued the four transitional states (Georgia, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan) comply with the Constitution?

Lesko said that this question is very important and must be answered. It is very important for all elections this year and in the future.

On the night of December 7, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton filed a lawsuit in the Federal Supreme Court, accusing the four aforementioned states of violating the constitution to amend electoral regulations, leading to large-scale electoral violations. scale. The Supreme Court refused to accept this lawsuit on December 11.

Subsequently, the Texas Attorney General issued a statement stating that the Supreme Court unfortunately decided not to accept the case and did not determine whether the four states are constitutional.

Lesko said in the article that the United States Constitution clearly stipulates that the polling stations of each state must be appointed in accordance with the regulations established by the state legislature, that is, state laws must determine how presidential elections are conducted. in every state.

“But in the 2020 presidential election, it appears that at least the four states mentioned above did not act in accordance with the provisions of the US Constitution.” Lesko said he then listed the alleged violations in all four states.

“In Georgia, state law provides that mail-in votes can only be counted after the polling place opens on Election Day, but the Georgia Elections Commission, not the Assembly, allows mail-in votes to be counted almost three weeks before Election Day, which is a clear violation of state law and the constitution.

“In Pennsylvania, state law provides that the deadline for county election commissions to receive ballots by mail is 8 p.m. on Election Day. And the judge in that state violated state law without the approval of the Congress and extended the deadline for receiving mailed ballots until Election Day, the third day after that.

“In addition, the Pennsylvania Secretary of State has violated state laws and the Constitution by removing the stipulation that” non-disabled, non-military voters must sign applicant to request mail-in ballots. “

“In Michigan, state law requires voters to request ballots by mail and sign. The application process must be cautious and safe. However, the secretary of state violated state laws and the constitution and created a new website to request ballots by mail.

“In Wisconsin, state law prohibits the use of the ballot box without supervision. However, the state election commission and other local officials have established hundreds of ballot boxes for voting by mail without the approval of Congress, some of which are not supervised. behavior violates the Constitution. “

The “Declaration of Friends of the Court” finally stated: “With the approval of the American people, our republican constitutional system has passed through nearly 250 years of history, and the approval of the people is because it is full of the legitimacy of our system. of government. Trust. A free and fair electoral system is the most important system on which our republic depends. Anything that undermines the foundations of this nation is undermining the stability of our republic. “

Editor in charge: Ye Ziwei #
