According to the latest information provided by TrendForce, a global market research organization, the Taiwan Micron Wafer Technology Co., Ltd. (MTTW) plant of the US-based global memory manufacturer Micron in Linkou, Taiwan, the 3rd. There was an unnoticed power trip in the afternoon. The production line was closed for more than 1 hour, which caused the production line operation to stop, and production is gradually resumed, and related losses are also being counted.
[Respuesta de New Micron]
It is understood that the unnoticed power outage at the Micron Linkou plant was not caused by external forces (earthquakes, fires), and the company is also actively learning about the main causes of power outages. According to the information provided by TrendForce, based on the global DRAM production capacity in the fourth quarter of 2020, the monthly production capacity of the plant is 125K per month, which represents 8.8% of the production capacity of Global total monthly DRAMs of 1,418K. Therefore, this inadvertent loss of energy may affect the DRAM market in the future.
TrendForce further noted in the report that the current production capacity of Linkou’s DRAM factory is approximately 125K. The main products are DDR4 (for PC and server DRAM) and LPDDR4. According to the overview of production in the third quarter of 2020, 1x nanoprocesses account for approximately 70%, while 1y nanoprocesses account for approximately 20%. The factory is expected to skip the 1z nanometer process directly in 2021 and move to the more advanced next-generation 1z alpha nanometer process, which is Micron’s DRAM production hub.
Additionally, in terms of global DRAM revenue market share in Q3 2020, Micron ranked third, accounting for 25% of the global market. The Linkou plant, which was affected by the power outage, accounted for more than 30% of Micron’s production in terms of production capacity. In addition, this factory is the production center for Micron’s DRAM server. Therefore, TrendForce believes that with the current increasingly stringent DRAM market conditions, the impact of the entire event on market conditions should not be underestimated. Micron from Taiwan is currently understanding the situation and the latest situation will be updated at any time.
[Última respuesta de Micron]
Micron confirmed that a power outage occurred at the Taoyuan DRAM plant on December 3, and the plant immediately activated the safety protection mechanism. Today, the equipment has been operating normally after power is restored, and Micron expects the plant to resume production within a few days.
(Source of first image: Photo by Technology News)
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