Lu’s approval will become the biggest winner drowned by Trump to veto the National Defense Authorization Act-International-China Times News


Trump said on the 13th that “China will become the biggest winner” and threatened to reject the National Defense Authorization Act for fiscal year 2021.

The United States Senate and House of Representatives recently passed the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2021, which is relevant to the United States’ assistance in defending Taiwan, and is waiting for the President of the United States, Trump, sign the law. However, Trump choked yesterday (13), saying that the bill “will allow China to become the biggest winner,” threatened to veto the bill.

Reuters reported that the US Senate and House of Representatives recently passed the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) with a budget of up to US $ 740 billion in favor of more than two-thirds. The Senate sent the bill on the 11th. Delivered to the White House, giving President Trump 10 days to decide whether to veto or sign the law.

However, before Trump left yesterday to play golf in the Washington suburbs, he tweeted that “China will be the biggest winner of the new National Defense Authorization Act” and announced that he would veto the law. The White House did not provide details of Trump’s tweet. And he did not indicate when he will veto the bill.

However, the source pointed out that Trump’s concern is that, although Twitter and other social networks blocked the conservative discourse, they published posts by officials from the continent that Washington had identified as problematic.

Reuters noted that Twitter did in fact warn officials on the mainland about posts in the past, including a post in May in which Beijing claimed the US military had brought the new corona virus to China.

The National Defense Authorization Act regulates the annual budget and expenditures of the US Department of Defense and sets the direction for US defense policy.It covers military salaries, equipment acquisition, and how to deal with geopolitical threats. 59 years have passed since it was first approved in 1961., Approved every year.

The Voice of America reported that this year’s bill specifically strengthens the United States’ defense capabilities in the Indo-Pacific region. It includes a “Pacific Deterrence Initiative” that allocates $ 2.2 billion to strengthen and deepen US deterrence in the Indo-Pacific region. Cooperation with allies. Zack Cooper, a defense policy researcher at the American Enterprise Institute, noted that this deterrence program may be the most important piece of legislation on Asia in recent years, signaling the beginning of a shift in America’s strategic focus.

The parts of the bill related to Taiwan are primarily section 1260 and section 9724, which involve the views of the United States that the Taiwan Relations Act and the six guarantees are the cornerstones of U.S.-Taiwan relations. and the sale of arms to Taiwan.

Trump has previously expressed dissatisfaction with article 230 of the bill’s “Communications Decency Act”, which protects online platforms such as Twitter and Facebook without being responsible for the content that appears on the platform.

文章 來源 : Trump revives the threat to the defense bill veto, initiating the battle with lawmakers
Article Source: United States to Pass National Defense Authorization Act and Launch New Plan to Deter China

(Zhongshi News Network)
