Local outbreak in Tianjin official: German imported frozen pork feet spread | China |新 头壳 Newtalk


Lu Media reported that a local outbreak of coronavirus disease (COVID-19, Wuhan pneumonia) broke out in Tianjin, China. Local officials announced today that they “will quickly enter a state of war” and pointed to the source of the spread to a batch of frozen pork feet imported from Germany.

According to reports by Jinyun News and Beijing Daily, Tianjin held a press conference on epidemic prevention and control on the afternoon of the 8th. From 6 pm on 7 to 8 am on the 8th, Tianjin recently confirmed a local case. It’s a frozen Tianjin Hailian Food Co., Ltd. loading and unloading workers have no history of contact with suspicious cases.

According to the report, Tianjin has “rapidly entered a state of war” for this reason and has cooperated with relevant departments to implement early detection, early notification, early isolation, early treatment and centralized treatment measures.

He Peng, spokesperson for the Tianjin Municipal Health Commission, noted that a package of frozen pork knuckle (pork knuckle) imported from Tianjin Binhai New Area and shipped to Dezhou was notified by Dezhou City, Shandong Province. , on day 7. The outer packaging tested positive for viral nucleic acid. .

Tianjin is a major frozen food import port in mainland China. Imported frozen meat accounts for nearly a third of China’s meat imports.

Authorities said the batch of frozen pork knuckles came from the port of Bremen, Germany, and was unloaded at Pacific Terminal on the morning of October 19, without opening the container and without contact with staff. On November 4, it was transported to Tianjin Hailian Cold Chain Co., Ltd. in the Binhai New Area, and the 2020 boxes of the product batch were unloaded into the freezer for storage. On November 5, this 28.1-ton batch of cargo was loaded into containers and shipped to Dezhou, Shandong.

He Peng said the traceability investigation involved the Hailian freezer of the China-Singapore eco-city Tianjin in the new Binhai area. The CDC collected 30 environmental samples and 12 samples from related personnel, and found that one of the samples from the freezer door handle tested positive for nucleic acid. A worker loading and unloading a freezer tested positive for nucleic acid. At that time, the loading and unloading worker had been isolated at a central isolation point.

In Tianjin, 11 people have reportedly been found in Tianjin with a history of common exposure. All have been quarantined. The first nucleic acid test for the virus was negative; the 8 close contacts that had been determined were quarantined and the first nucleic acid test was also negative. . Currently, other close contacts are being investigated and the workplaces and residences of those involved have been disinfected.

He Peng said that after organizing experts to analyze and judge, they believe that the epidemic is “generally controllable” and calls on the public to be calm and not to panic.

Lu Media reported that a local outbreak of COVID-19 (COVID-19, Wuhan pneumonia) broke out in Tianjin, China, and a longshoreman confirmed the diagnosis. Local officials announced today that they “will quickly enter a state of war” and pointed to the source of the spread to a batch of frozen pork feet imported from Germany.
