Live Stream of “Pregnant Girlfriend” Frozen to Death for 2 Hours! Internet Celebrities Reversed True Cause of Death | Entertainment | NOWnews Today News


Live Stream of “Pregnant Girlfriend” Frozen to Death for 2 Hours! Internet Celebrities Reversed True Cause of Death | Entertainment | NOWnews Today News

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“Pregnant Girlfriend” Live Stream Frozen to Death for 2 Hours! Internet Celebrities Reversed True Cause of Death

Editorial Center / General Report

calendar_today2020-12-12 17:33:13

▲ To meet the needs of fans, a Russian YouTuber locked his girlfriend in the sub-zero balcony during the live broadcast, but killed him.  (Photo / Alcotuber)
▲ Stas Reshetnikov, a 30-year-old Internet celebrity in Russia, killed his pregnant girlfriend on a balcony with a few degrees below zero during the live broadcast. Now that the actual cause of death is revealed, many people are in awe. (Photo / Alcotuber)

Stas Reshetnikov, a 30-year-old Internet celebrity in Russia, was pregnant with his girlfriend Valentina (Valentina), 28, for $ 1,000 (about 28,000 yuan) for the audience of “Shake Nei.” Grigoryeva) was kept in the open air below 0 degrees Celsius for several hours, but the result was a life-threatening tragedy of one body and two lives. However, a recent report was published on Valentina’s body and the cause of death was “head trauma”. Star also admitted that he hit his girlfriend that day.

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According to full foreign media reports, Stas (Stas Reshetnikov), a 30-year-old live broadcaster, under the name ReeFlay, often shares live broadcasts of games on the channel. The interaction and prank videos between him and his 28-year-old girlfriend Valentina Grigoryeva attracted a lot of fans watch. However, on December 2 local time, for a netizen’s “Zhou Nei” $ 1,000 (about 28,000 yuan), Star put his pregnant girlfriend in her underwear only and kept her on the balcony a few degrees below zero for several hours. Star only opened the door, only to find that his girlfriend had already passed away. What’s even more puzzling is that the livestream didn’t immediately shut down at the time. Star also carried his girlfriend’s body to the couch and returned to the computer to continue the live broadcast. While she was drinking she cried and said, “Damn it, she looks like she’s dead.”

▲ To meet the needs of fans, a Russian YouTuber locked his girlfriend in the balcony of a few degrees below zero during the live broadcast, but killed him.  (Photo / Alcotuber)
▲ To meet the needs of fans, Stas Reshetnikov locked his girlfriend in a balcony with a few degrees below zero during the live broadcast, but killed him. (Photo / Alcotuber)

A report on the examination of Valentina’s body was also published recently, but the cause of death has been reversed! According to foreign media reports, a Russian researcher, Olga Vrady, said the cause of death was not from frostbite. Judging from the bruising and soft tissue bleeding on the deceased’s head, the true cause of death was the blow to the head. The autopsy report noted that Valentina had multiple bruises on her head and soft tissue bleeding.

In this regard, Star also frankly admitted that that day he had a dispute with Valentina and even hit the deceased in the face many times. Star is currently under investigation. If you are convicted of involuntary manslaughter, you can face up to 15 years in prison. However, Star’s attorney, Evgeny Kulagin, replied that the condition of Valentina’s head was a stroke and was not caused by Star’s assault. He will appeal the arrest warrant: “We continue to insist that she is innocent.” ( Publisher: Chen Yayun)

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※ 【NOWnews Today News】 Remember not to drive after drinking, drinking too much is bad for your health!

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