Lin Weizhou Chokes “Flanking Habit Cannot Be Changed” Wang Wanyu Strikes Back! | Politics | New boss Newtalk


The Power of the Times names Wang Wanyu.  Image: Huang Jianhao / Photo

The Power of the Times names Wang Wanyu. Image: Huang Jianhao / Photo

The Legislative Yuan held elections for committee members today (23). Legislative Councilor Wang Wanyu, who has a key vote, decided to cooperate with the DPP Caucus and vote for the Hong Shenhan Green Committee. This sparked dissatisfaction and anger in the KMT Lin Weizhou Caucus “Flanking habits cannot be changed.” In this regard, Wang Wanyu emphasized in an interview that the power of the times has never been by anyone’s side, and Lin Weizhou may not know enough about time.

The government intends to ease imports of US hogs next year. The Health and Environmental Protection Committee, which handles related bills, is also considered the highest priority. With the DPP group firmly determined, Wang Wanyu’s voting intention becomes the key. Once Wang supports the DPP group, KMT Jiang Wanan, who was sent, will face a lottery before having a chance to be elected as the convening committee.

In an interview today, Lin Weizhou said that the KMT continued to communicate with Shili during this period because Shili also opposed the importation of American pigs and held press conferences and public hearings. However, in the end, they chose to support the committee of calls of the DPP of American pigs. It is very confusing. Are you supporting the American pig or the anti-American pig? “And he chided Shili for holding a press conference for ‘faking Xiaowei’ and cheating on votes. It’s hard to change the habit of being a wing, right?

In response, Wang Wanyu replied that Lin Weizhou may have misunderstood that the power of the times has never been on someone else’s flank, and the power of the times is the power of the times. “We are a political party and we have never been on the flank!” She noted that she greatly admired Hong Shenhan. She is a political veteran. She has cooperated with many children and environmental problems in the past, and her views are similar. Therefore, she is willing to support Hong and hopes to promote topics of interest.

Wang Wanyu said that during this period, the DPP and the Kuomintang groups continued to lobby and communicate with them. They remained in their current position. The position of the party group on the issues in question will not change. Meizhu is expected to be able to review it substantially. Therefore, no matter which party group argues, it has been discussed. To clearly express one’s position, it is necessary to conduct a thorough examination and check the health of the people of the country.

Wang Wanyu mentioned that on the issue of the American pig, the Shili Party Group had previously held several press conferences, but officials from the relevant ministries and committees were unwilling to attend. Shili will maintain the oversight role of the opposition party and will continue to communicate issues and policy recommendations to the public. It will also monitor the ruling party to include relevant issues in the review.

As Wang Wanyu voted for Hong Shenhan, the DPP group had three chances to get two. Voters, the Hong Shenhan Green Committee, Chen Ying and Jiang Wanan obtained the same number of votes. Jiang Yunqijia won the convocation and Hong Shenhan chose Courtesy of Chen Ying, blue and green got a seat.

The Legislative Yuan held the election of the committee members today (23). Legislative Councilor Wang Wanyu, who has a key vote, decided to cooperate with the DPP Caucus and vote for the Hong Shenhan Green Committee. This provoked the dissatisfaction and anger of the KMT Lin Weizhou Caucus. “Flanking habits cannot be changed.” In this regard, Wang Wanyu emphasized in an interview that the power of the times has never been on anyone’s flank, and Lin Weizhou may not know enough about time.
