Lieutenant Colonel Stole 1,500 National Team Masks and Was Prosecuted for 10-Year Felony Corruption-UDN United News Network


  1. After the lieutenant colonel stole 1500 masks from the national team, he sued the UDN for corruption for serious crimes of 10 years
  2. Outrageous Officer! Lieutenant Colonel Oversees National Team to Steal 1,500 Masks and Resell them for 8,000 Yuan, Taiwan Apple Daily reported
  3. After the lieutenant colonel involved in the theft of 1,500 masks, Beijian was prosecuted for corruption offenses | Social | Key News Central News
  4. 2 NCO Sergeant Sued for Stealing 1,500 National Team Masks Freedom Times Bulletin
  5. The guard stole 1,500 masks, the sergeant denounced the lieutenant colonel and the commander choked: I want to kill him ETtoday News Cloud
  6. Go to Google News to see the full report