The Lausanne School of Management (IMD) in Switzerland recently released the latest “IMD 2020 Global Talent Ranking Report”. Among the 63 countries evaluated, Taiwan is ranked 20th, which is consistent with last year’s ranking. Taiwan’s ranking in Asia is the best. After China, Japan and South Korea, it ranks third after Singapore and Hong Kong.
According to the survey, Taiwan maintained its 20th place, continuing its best performance since 2013; in Asia, Taiwan ranks second after Singapore at ninth and Hong Kong at fourteenth; it is better than South Korea at 31st and Japan at 38th. And China, at 40th.
IMD is reported to divide the talent reporting metrics into three categories: “investing and developing talent,” “attracting and retaining talent,” and “talent readiness.” The first is in the ranking of “attract and retain talents”. Taiwan has been promoted from 29th place last year to 26th. The National Development Council noted that this assessment has a total of 11 detailed indicators, and the rise in the ranking is mainly due to the “attractiveness of foreign technical personnel”, which has much improved 14 (34); in addition, “quality of life” and “employee morale” In 2 items, the improvement was 8 and 4 respectively, which reflects the effectiveness of our national defense epidemic and the continuous efforts of the government to improve the environment to retain talents.
The second item, “Investment and Development Talents”, Taiwan is still in the top three in Asia. According to the National Development Council, this project primarily assesses the country’s investment in talent and is divided into 8 detailed indicators. Among them, “Sanitation and healthy environment” is Taiwan’s top project, ranking fifth in the world, an improvement of 1 place from last year, showing that the public and medical environmental hygiene standards of China are excellent, and also reflects the excellent performance of the prevention and control of the Covid-19 epidemic.
▲ Taiwan’s global talent rankings remain at 20. (Source: National Development Council)
What is worth noting in this survey is that Taiwan has fallen 3 in its “talent disposition”. Talent preparation consists of evaluating the adequacy of a country’s human resources, divided into 12 detailed indicators. Among them, there were 3 items including “International manager experience”, “Excellent managers” and “Language talents meet the needs of the company”, which improved 2, 3 and 7 respectively.
However, in the “Educational Assessment (PISA National Research Center)” and “School Emphasis on Science Education”, Taiwan’s ranking dropped by 6 and 2 respectively. Among them, PISA is a test that the OECD performs for students from 79 member countries every three years. Taiwan has always been at the forefront of the rankings, but in recent years Estonia, China and other countries have caught up and are worthy of attention; Furthermore, the proportion of college graduates in the STEM field of school science education has fallen from 33.2% last year to 32.9% this year, demonstrating Taiwan’s need to cultivate digital talents. Build your strength.
(Source of the first image: Lausanne School of Administration)
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