Large-Scale Capture in North City! 80 Garbage Fish Caught in Bihu Park to Be Burned by the Environmental Protection Agency | Life | Sanli News Net SETN.COM


Reporter Xu Shuling / Taipei Report 【Posted on 12/26 16:38 | 22:31 Update: New video and audio】

One, two, three … Once the net was lifted, 6 garbage fish were successfully caught! Volunteers from the Taiwan Native Fish Conservation Association collected nets one after another in Bitan, Neihu, Taipei, and successively caught more than 80 garbage fish. The volunteers placed the “trophies” on the ground and the smelly smell was unsatisfactory. The Taipei City Government Parks Department, the Department of Animal Protection and the Taiwan Native Fish Conservation Association joined forces today (26) to carry out the campaign “War on water against rodents” to eliminate foreign species with practical actions.

▼ ▲ The Parks Department of the Taipei City Government, the Department of Animal Conservation and the Taiwan Native Fish Conservation Association joined forces today (26) to carry out the activity “Campaign Against Water Rodents” . (Photo / provided by the Parks Division, Bureau of Public Works, Taipei City Government)

According to the Taiwan Native Fish Conservation Association, winged catfish, commonly known as “pipe rat,” is a generic term for a bone plate benthic fish. It is native to South America and was introduced to Taiwan by aquarium operators to clean fish tanks. Therefore, it is called a scavenger. Fish, garbage fish. Because junk fish can grow about 40cm long a year, people often abandon them because they can’t fit in the tank and they look scary, and they dump them into rivers, lakes, and park ponds. Due to their super adaptability and fecundity, along with the lack of checks and balances of their natural enemies, they have caused great damage to the aquatic environment of Taiwan. They can be seen in lakes and pools in the parks of the city of Taipei.

The Parks Bureau of the Taipei City Government Works Bureau stated that Dahu Park and Bihu Park in Neihu District have large lakes and are often considered by many people as good places to release animals, but the Inappropriate release behaviors will not only cause harm to organisms in released locations, even causing the extinction of native species, the Rat Pipe is a good example.

▲ Song Fuhua said that currently it is estimated that waste fish can only be obtained by drifting gillnets. (Photo / provided by the Parks Division, Bureau of Public Works, Taipei City Government)

During the interview, Song Fuhua, Director of the Parks Division of the Taipei City Government Works Bureau, said that the use of centipede cages, driftnets and other trapping equipment is currently being used. estimates that only drifting gillnets can catch garbage fish. He pointed out that the centipede cage can catch a turtle that entered by mistake, so it is not the most ideal option, because the tortoise must surface to breathe.If it encounters the centipede cage, it will not be able to move or breathe to drown.

▲ Song Fuhua pointed out that the centipede cage is not the best choice for catching garbage fish. (Photo by reporter Xu Shuling)

Song Fuhua explained that the purpose of this test is to evaluate the garbage fish catching method. The Taiwan Native Fish Conservation Association is also evaluating other methods and will test various methods to see how best to catch junk fish. He further explained that because garbage fish are benthic creatures, which are different from ordinary fish that swim in water, they are difficult to catch. Also, the water is cold in winter and the garbage fish will hide at the bottom of the lake, you have to wait until May, when the garbage fish will surface to breed and are easier to catch at that time.

▲ Song Fuhua said that despite the current test results, the gillnet for catching garbage fish is the most suitable, but it is only applicable to small areas. (Photo / provided by Zuo Chengwei)

Song Fuhua mentioned that the park was supposed to be tested in May, but that the Jiuqu Bridge was repaired, so try using a cage when the water level is low instead to see if it’s feasible. As a result of today’s test, the driftnet is currently the most suitable, but it only applies to small areas.

▲ Junk fish seriously damage the local ecology. (Photo / provided by Zuo Chengwei)

Regarding the results of today’s capture, Song Fuhua said that around 80 were captured today. Although they were also captured in Bitan, the results will vary depending on the capture location. At present, the Jiuquqiao area has caught the most because the water level is the shallowest. However, the water depth is relatively unchanged, so the water depth is different from the fishing result. The park office will study how to deal with the water depth.

▲ Song Fuhua, Director of the Parks Division of the Taipei City Government Works Bureau, said that the purpose of this test is to evaluate the catching methods of junk fish. (Photo by reporter Xu Shuling)

Regarding the caught fish carcasses, Song Fuhua said the park has first contacted the Environmental Protection Agency and will be sent directly to the incinerator for incineration, because exposure to the sun will release a stale smell, which can pollute the air. , so it should be removed in the quickest way. More suitable.
