Lan Ying Promotes Food Safety Referendum Against US Pigs … DPP Satire: President Jiang’s Political Operation for Re-election | Politics | Sanli News Network SETN.COM


Political Center / Full Report

In response to KMT Chairman Jiang Qichen’s announcement today (9) that he would initiate a “food safety referendum” on the grounds of opposing the importation of pork from the United States, the DPP spokesman, Yan Ruofang said that the KMT opened beef imports containing ractopamine last time, but today international standards and scientific evidence are clear to start the so-called referendum on the grounds of opposing the same addition of pork , which is obviously contradictory. Yan Ruofang couldn’t help saying:If the social opposition is manipulated only for personal political ends, it is not surprising that the outside world regards the so-called Kuomintang referendum as a political operation for the “reelection of President Jiang”.

▲ Chairman and Chairman of the Progressive Democratic Party Tsai Ing-wen, Chairman of the KMT Jiang Qichen (combined image / data photo)

Yan Ruofang pointed out,The first to open up the importation of meat containing ractopamine was the Kuomintang government in 2012, when international standards and scientific evidence were not yet complete. Today, international standards and scientific evidence are becoming clearer, and the DPP government is more responsible for referring to the strict standards of CODEX and advanced countries such as Japan and South Korea as an open basis to ensure the food safety and people’s health.HoweverHowever, the Kuomintang rejected objectively verifiable scientific norms when it failed to present any scientific evidence and viewed a serious referendum as an engine for political issues. This type of opposition for the good of the opposition is even more suspect. The Kuomintang constantly refuses. His position is only to oppose the “normalization of trade between Taiwan and the United States.”

Yan Ruofang said that before President Jiang was a student of international politics, he must know that the current international economic and trade situation is changing rapidly, and at this critical time, Taiwan must demonstrate the ability and determination to tackle economic problems. and international trade and accelerate international cooperation. Integration to ensure that Taiwan plays a key role in the new stage of the international economic and trade structure. call“Professor Jiang remembers President Jiang.” Politics is only for a time, and the future of national development is the goal of every politician. Don’t turn the president’s re-election crisis into a national development crisis.

Yan Ruofang said:Taiwan should seize the opportunity to cooperate between the government and the opposition, the central and local governments, and use cooperation to replace the confrontation. What he wants now is not a “referendum”, but a “common”. Together, “together” protects everyone’s health and makes Taiwan more credible internationally. Taiwan shuts down.

▲ Yan Ruofang, spokesman for the Democratic Progressive Party (Photo / Facebook)

Furthermore, regarding Jiang Qichen’s “new cross-strait speech”, Yan Ruofang also said:The new argument put forward by the Kuomintang in 2020 is essentially nothing new and does not surprise Taiwanese society. Not only is it the content of the old wine, but even the bottle is reluctant to replace it with a new one. It is like “old wine in old bottles”, which is not in line with the general public opinion. It also highlights the helplessness of the youth of the Kuomintang and the Zhuang faction when they fight for reform., It is unfortunate.

Yan Ruofang emphasized that Jiang Qichen, who claims to be a young generation of the Kuomintang, must shed old burdens, show great boldness, and bring a new atmosphere; however, it has now returned, without a new line, and has not responded to the voices of the young generation. People regret it.

▲ KMT Chairman Jiang Qichen (Photo by reporter Lin Enru)
