Kaohsiung otaku PTT account threatened to “flourish Taiwan on New Year’s Eve” and was arrested for failing to collect 200,000 bonds | Society |新 头壳 Newtalk


When the man surnamed Hong was handcuffed and taken away, he bowed his head without saying a word and denied PO's threat at the hearing.Picture: Provided by the Criminal Bureau

The man surnamed Hong bowed his head without saying a word as he was handcuffed and taken away.Picture: provided by the Criminal Bureau

A man surnamed Hong in Kaohsiung went to Bahamut on December 30 last year. Po Wen, from the PTT forum, threatened to blood the stage on New Year’s Eve and plant a bomb; Police went to Kaohsiung late on the 3rd to arrest the man surnamed Hong and found him suspicious. In an attempt to conceal the evidence of the crime, all three personal computers were formatted. After police confiscated the computer and mobile phone, the comparison was reset. Following the resumption of the investigation in Beijian, he considered that he was in danger of escape, destruction of evidence and repeated execution, and was arrested for the crimes of intimidating the public, obstructing the use of computers and falsifying documents. The Taipei City Court ruled that 200,000 yuan had to be paid as collateral, but the family of the man surnamed Hong did not come to court to guarantee it, so the judge decided to detain him.

According to the police, the man surnamed Hong is a super business student. It was shipped in December of last year. He had obtained several computer information licenses. Police described the man surnamed Hong as a standard otaku. The three-square-foot rental house was messy and almost to the ground. Without a foothold, there was still a lot of smell. Police revealed that prior to the arrest, the man surnamed Hong had reloaded his computer. He was suspected of attempting to hide criminal evidence and refused to provide his mobile phone and computer password. Since the man surnamed Hong had a history of obstructing computer use, police did not rule out that he was an amateur hacker or that he acquired a hacked account from someone. Po Wen’s motive has yet to be clarified. Police have confiscated the criminal’s cell phone and computer and he is now recovering.

The prosecutor noted that the two posts posted by the man surnamed Hong were all the same in content, including “2020 Restless New Year’s Eve Bloody Gathering, I promise to wash away all new story,” “I will use a knife to pierce the entire body of meat, guns He will shoot and kill landscapes that are more tragic than the Wushe incident, and he will explode the bombs to kill the crowd “,” Let so much things happen this year, accompany everyone to the funeral and draw together “,” We are ready to tour New Years Eve stages, katana Plenums, such as the Butterfly Knife, Lanbo Knife, etc., were magnificently arranged on this bright red stage: “I intend to die when the scene is discovered by the police.” Victory points and MRT stations in central and southern Taipei will be organized and organized on a large scale. Explosive bomb. “

Prosecutors mentioned that on December 30 last year, the man surnamed Hong used the VPN trampoline program to create the illusion of being in Japan, and used the public accounts of men surnamed You and Tang to go online and threaten them. with text messages from Po. After the prosecutor’s call, he was transferred to the North for the crime of intimidating the public. When the man surnamed Hong was handcuffed and transferred, he bowed his head and did not say a word. He also denied PO’s threat at the hearing. The prosecutor also specifically gave him time to ask him to think carefully. But after considering it, he kept denying it to the end. Therefore, the prosecutor appealed to the court to arrest him. The Taipei District Court ruled that Hong 200,000 yuan as collateral. However, the family of the man surnamed Hong said that he could not go to court to obtain insurance, so he changed his arrest warrant. But you can go to court to apply for insurance at any time.

A man named Hong in Kaohsiung went to Bahamut on December 30 last year and the PTT Forum PO Wen threatened to bloodstain the New Year’s Eve stage and plant bombs; Police went to Kaohsiung late on the 3rd to arrest the man surnamed Hong and found him a suspect. Concerned about the physical evidence being captured by prosecutors, the three personal computers were formatted. Prosecutors stopped their computers and cell phones and reset the comparison. After the resumption of the hearing in Beijian, considering that Hong was in danger of fleeing, destroying the evidence and repeating the implementation, he was arrested for the crimes of intimidating the public, obstructing the use of computers and falsifying documents. The Taipei District Court ruled that 200,000 yuan had to be paid for the insurance, but the family of the man surnamed Hong did not come to the hospital to provide insurance. Therefore, the judge decided to detain him, but he could go to court to apply for insurance at any time.

Prosecutors mentioned that on December 30 last year, the man surnamed Hong used the VPN trampoline program to create the illusion of being in Japan, and used the public accounts of men surnamed You and Tang to intimidate them online. After the prosecutor’s call, he was transferred to the North for the crime of intimidating the public. When the man surnamed Hong was handcuffed and transferred, he bowed his head and didn’t say a word. He also denied PO’s threat at the hearing. The prosecutor also specifically gave him time to ask him to think carefully. But after considering it, he kept denying it to the end. Therefore, the prosecutor appealed to the court to arrest him. The Taipei District Court ruled that Hong 200,000 yuan as collateral. However, the family of the man surnamed Hong said he could not go to court to obtain insurance, so he changed his order. But you can go to court to apply for insurance at any time.
