[Kaohsiung Fire]The rescue is ineffective! 1-year-old girl died and her mother hugged her baby and fell from a building, a total of 4 deaths | Apple News | Apple Daily


(Just Added: Firefighter Expert Opinion, Girl’s Rescue Not Valid Today)

A house fire in Fengshan, Kaohsiung, occurred early in the morning yesterday, causing 3 deaths and 1 serious injury to grandparents and grandchildren. The mother held her baby while standing on the third-floor window sill asking for help. There were no signs of life; the 10-year-old girl and the grandmother were found burned and dead in the second-floor bathroom and in the third-floor hallway. The only surviving one-year-old girl was seriously injured and died today after being rescued. The fire claimed a total of 4 precious lives.

Kaohsiung Chang Gung said this morning that the children’s family members are quite discreet and do not want to be watched. This hospital would like to explain that the little angel left the hospital with his relatives. The other part of the family did not agree to explain.

Wu Peicheng, deputy chief of the Kaohsiung Fire Department 3rd Brigade that was involved in the rescue, said bluntly that it was actually a loss of life. He believes there is no serious fire or smoke on the third floor ceiling. If the mother and daughter quietly hide in the third-floor room and await rescue, they can be rescued. The grandmother, who lives on the second floor, takes the girl from the store on the first floor. To escape do not hide in the bathroom or run to the third floor, you can also get out safely because the first floor has not been affected by the fire. This result really made them feel pain and regret.

Yesterday at 4:44 am, a fire broke out at a Tootian residence on Wujia 1st Road, Fengshan District, Kaohsiung City. When firefighters arrived at the scene, a large fire broke out on the second floor of Tiancuo. A 33-year-old mother named Wu was holding her 1-year-old daughter. On the windowsill on the third floor, there were constant calls for “help.” Just when the firefighters were doing their best to hang the ladder to rescue, the mother lost from the high temperature and fire, holding the girl and wanted to escape directly from the double ladder. There were no signs of life at the site, the mother was still dead after first aid and the girl was in critical condition.

Firefighters cleaned up the scene and found the body of Grandma Cheng, 70, in the third-floor hallway, while the 10-year-old granddaughter was trapped in the toilet on the second floor. Prosecutors verified that the cause of his death was extensive burns and carbon monoxide poisoning. , 10 girls hiding in the toilet also died from carbon monoxide poisoning, mainly because they inhaled too much carbon monoxide and died in a coma.

Wu Peicheng, deputy chief of the 3rd brigade of the fire station, said that since the grandfather and grandson originally lived in the fire room on the second floor, the passage from the second floor to the first floor was not blocked when the fire broke out. . If they both came down immediately, they could leave. Escaped the fire. He considered that the grandmother could climb the stairs for his wife to escape, but was burned to death when she passed out due to the heavy smoke.

As for the mother who died from the fall and the 1-year-old girl who was in danger, they were in the third-floor room at the time of the incident. From the roof, they suffered no severe burns or smoke. The mother was mainly due to a fall from a height. The trauma caused shock and death. Based on their disaster relief experience, if the mother and daughter first go to the front room on the third floor and calmly close the door and wait for rescue, they will have a chance to be rescued.

“Apple News” directly hit the scenes of mother and daughter falling from the building. To save her daughter, Yong’s mother still hugged the girl until she fell to the ground. But some netizens questioned: “If the fire is so big, isn’t there a certain amount of water in the fire engine? Why doesn’t the ladder stay that long and still don’t spray water on the second floor to help the woman to avoid high temperatures and flames? “

Wu Peicheng said that when the rescue was in place, water was shot out to quell the fire at first, and then a double ladder was installed to go up to the third floor to rescue the woman and girl.There are still designated firefighters spraying water mist nearby to protect rescuers and trapped people climbing stairs! There were shots of water at the scene, not as netizens said.They put saving people as their first priority, and when the mother and daughter fell to the ground, the firefighters who were in charge of shooting water immediately dropped the anchors of the water jets in their hands to save the people. The angle of the shot may have caused a misunderstanding.

Wu Peicheng also sighed: “The ladder is to allow disaster relief personnel to get on and off people, not to defraud people themselves.”

Tang Yunming, former director of the Fire Protection Department of Police University and now associate professor of the Department of Crime Prevention and Control of Ming Chuan University, noted that shooting water at the fire site to cool the fire depends on the decision of the commander on the spot. Due to the different conditions of the fire place, the commander will take the most advantageous way to save and extinguish. .

Zheng Lixin, director of the Department of Occupational Safety and Health at Fuying University of Science and Technology, said that from the scene of the fire, the fire suddenly reignited and the blaze became very large. This type of damage is very powerful, similar to the disaster caused by burning lightning. The girl can find a place to shelter first and wait for the firefighters to climb the stairs to rescue her. There is no need to rush down the double-cut ladder, or the tragedy of falling may not happen. (Reported by Lin Xiyuan and Zeng Peiying / Kaohsiung)
