Kaohsiung 3-star hotel is shocked to see a row of seated tenants accidentally revealing the secrets of illegal business owners


(Recently Added: City Government Processing Progress, Moving News)

The public, Mr. Zhang, broke the news that when he checked into the 3-star Humane International Hotel in Kaohsiung, he saw chairs placed at the door of each room with replacement food and supplies on them. He was surprised to live on the same floor as the Wuhan pneumonia home quarantine person. The hotel staff said nonchalantly: “They are on all floors, but they are not quarantined.” Mr. Zhang exploded. The Kaohsiung City Tourism Bureau and the Health Bureau went to inspect yesterday and confirmed that 35 people in quarantine and quarantine were mixed with the tenants. However, the hotel has not yet been approved as an anti-epidemic hotel and will be fined for violating the Infectious Disease Prevention and Control Act.

“Apple News” called the Humane Hotel, and the counter staff said “the supervisor is not on site.” They have received quarantined and quarantined guests since March. Netizens revealed that the crew members living on the same floor have passed the 14-day quarantine period, but the ship’s owner is afraid of the crew. Run, so before the next trip to the sea, let the crew take refuge temporarily. In fact, “Apple” also received complaints from the delivery staff in March this year. After several days of follow-up visits, it has long been confirmed that tenants are being treated humanely. According to this report, “Apple” reported in April that delivery personnel repeatedly turned to the relevant government agencies. Attention, but sadly, after almost half a year, the relevant units still haven’t done anything.

Yesterday, Mr. Zhang tore up the PO article on the “Booming Complaint Commune” Facebook group, “I want to complain that the Kaohsiung Humane International Hotel puts travelers in general on the same floor as isolated” suspects. ” He said: “When we checked in, we saw There are chairs at the door of each room, and there is a small tray on top. It is weird … Hotel staff said that before there were reception teams to avoid contact in order to deliver meals, but they are already gone, and now they have been disinfected for a week. Don’t worry … As a result, breakfast showed up at the door of several rooms in the morning and the room replacement kit was on the chair … “

Mr. Zhang said he asked the hotel staff again, and the other party changed his words: “There are still foreign crew from the shipping company who are staying, but they cannot leave the house.” Mr. Zhang asked, “Guests from other floors also reported related things … Still, it shouldn’t be at least hierarchically controlled with travelers in general, right?” I didn’t expect the hotel staff to reply: ” We have on each floor … but they are not quarantined people. “

Mr. Zhang was angry, “Hello, why don’t you dare let them eat at the restaurant? Your staff still don’t dare to send them the spare parts directly, and even the garbage can only ask them to go out the door … Mom XFxck … Who do you want to tell … convex “; Netizens left messages, “I think it should be divided into floors at least”, “If this is true, it would be too dangerous”, “Put this on the door … plus three sticks of incense and something … Haha”.

Li Shuzhi, head of the Tourism Industry Section of the Gaoshi Tourism Bureau, confirmed today that Humane International Hotel is not a legal anti-epidemic hotel approved by the Tourism Bureau. Although an application was submitted earlier, it has not yet been officially approved as an anti-epidemic hotel due to incomplete documents. The Health Office went to the site for an on-site audit. The 35 people in home quarantine mingled with ordinary tourists at the scene, and all of them were transferred to legal epidemic prevention hotels in the afternoon.

The Gao City Health Bureau noted that as of October 9, the total number of rooms for general travelers, including online reservations, is 45. The statements made by the hotel staff are truly pretentious. The case clearly violates the normative principles of the Epidemic Central Command Center for the prevention and accommodation of epidemics (adequate planning of epidemic prevention control such as single-family, stratification, zoning, etc.), and has violated hotels in general for not receive home quarantine objects According to the regulations, in accordance with the Infectious Diseases Prevention and Control Act, a fine of NT $ 3,000 or more and NT $ 15,000 or less will be imposed, and they will be strictly controlled to receive objects from restricted home quarantine.

“Apple” arrived at the Humane Hotel at 2 this afternoon. Huang, the hotel’s general manager, said: “Because the foreign boatmen have lived for 14 days and their ships have not yet entered the port, the shipping company has coordinated to let them stay and help them continue to deliver. meals, we have 10 or 20 isolated rooms left, but they all live on the same floor. “

Mr. Huang came forward to complain, emphasizing that each room is equipped with independent air conditioning and a good ventilation environment. People photographed foreign boat workers who have finished home quarantine and are waiting for the ship. “We will no longer accept people who are in home quarantine.” However, the Health Office later issued a press release accusing the industry as an excuse. Mr. Huang changed his words and said, “What the Health Office says is what it says! I don’t want to talk to the outside world anymore!”

The Gao City Tourism Office stated that there are 35 people in home quarantine at the Humane Hotel today, except for one that has expired today, and the remaining 34 people in home quarantine have been transferred to legal epidemic prevention hotels at the 4:40 pm Tomorrow the entire Humane Hotel building will be disinfected.

The Gao City Tourism Office noted that it has immediately conducted a comprehensive inspection of hotels in this city within 3 days in conjunction with the police, civil affairs and health offices to ensure that there are no other hotels not epidemics who privately receive home quarantine or home quarantine. In addition, Kaohsiung’s legal anti-epidemic hotel has a total of 3,280 rooms. The room price includes 3 meals and ranges from 1,500 to 3,000 yuan per day. If you want to reserve a room, you can contact the Gaoshi Call Center. (Reported by Zeng Peiying / Kaohsiung)

Post time: 13:50
