Kangxi was hunted to death only 7 days, Yongzheng received 4 words shocked, 3 entered the room secret conversation | life | Sanli News Network SETN.COM


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Both “Records of the Holy Ancestors of the Qing Dynasty” and “Yongxian Lu” recorded that on the 7th day of November, Kangxi AD 61 (1722), Kangxi died after hunting in Nanyuan and returning to Changchunyuan in less than 7 days. What happened in these 7 days? How did Yongzheng perceive that Kangxi had an abnormal condition and finally went to the bedroom to secretly chat?

▲ Kangxi died on November 13 in Kangxi AD 61 (1722). (Photo / Obtained from Wiki)

On October 21, Kangxi went hunting for Nanyuan. At that time, it had entered the winter season early, and the changing of the seasons was particularly likely to induce some sudden illnesses in the elderly and children. At that time, Kangxi was 69 years old, which was an advanced age in ancient times.

From this it can be inferred that Kangxi may have contracted a disease on the way, felt extremely uncomfortable, and rushed back to Changchun Garden on November 7. On the second day, Kangxi preached that “today I’m cold and sweaty.” However, Kangxi was in poor health in her later years and refused to see a doctor. Your current condition can be much more serious than the common cold.

According to Qing Shengzu’s records, Kangxi has suffered from disease, aging and frailty, heart palpitations, right hand dysfunction, dizziness, and leg swelling since the winter of ’47. “Get up earlier, hands are shaking, head is shaking. shakes and looks indecent. “,” When the heart beats, the face changes suddenly “.

▲ Kangxi went hunting in Nanyuan in early winter, possibly due to illness on the way. (Sketch / Obtained from the official Weibo of the Palace Museum in Beijing)

Later, Kangxi reissued the decree: “From the tenth to the fifteenth day of the first day of the day, the fast is quiet and there is no need to start the memorial.” You can imagine that Kangxi’s condition may have worsened. On the ninth day of the day, he asked the fourth brother Yinzhen to come find him. In the Temple of Heaven, the winter solstice ceremony takes place and the day of sacrifice is set on November 15. Kangxi also repeatedly confessed that Yinzhen should go fast and fast first to show his sincerity to heaven.

Si Age Yinzhen could also see that Kangxi was a bit serious this time. From the tenth to the twelfth day, he sent eunuchs and guards to Changchunyuan every day to greet him, but every time Kangxi replied, “My body is improving.” Based on Kangxi’s personality, he would certainly not say that it was “not good” or even worse, so it can be understood that Kangxi’s condition has not improved, but it has not worsened.

But by the ugly time of November 13 (1 to 3 in the morning), Kangxi’s condition worsened. He might also have a hunch that he was “dying soon”, and he quickly called the fourth eldest brother Yinzhen from the study to come over. Then, at Yin Ke (3 am to 5 am), the other sons were summoned to the capital.

Yinzhen arrived at Changchun Garden in a squiggle (9 a.m. to 11 a.m.), and when he arrived, he rushed into the palace to greet him. On the same day, Yinzhen went to Kangxi Palace to have 3 private conversations. That night the Kangxi Emperor died (from 7 to 9 at night).

There are relevant records in many historical materials, the timing of Kangxi’s death is consistent, it is also true that his condition suddenly deteriorated on November 13. What is controversial is that there is no written record of what Yinzhen did when he entered the palace three times. But it was also because Kangxi didn’t decide on his heir until his death, that Yongzheng later had many more versions of the story.

There is also a “poisonous version”, which is a bowl of ginseng soup that Yinzhen brought when he met Kangxi. After Kangxi drank it, he suddenly felt bad and died. He also said that the Changchun Garden had already been controlled by Yinzhen, and that only Yinzhen could enter and exit, and no one else was seen.

▲ Yinzhen went to Kangxi’s dormitory for secret talks on November 13. (Photo / Obtained from Wikipedia)
