Job applicant is happy to receive an “Interview Notice”! Hematemesis after opening and reading: I don’t want to go in a second | New | NOWnews Today News


Job seeker is happy to receive an “Interview Notice”! Hematemesis after opening and reading: I don’t want to go in a second | New | NOWnews Today News

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Job seeker is happy to receive an “Interview Notice”! Opens up and vomits blood after reading – I don’t want to go in a second

Editorial Center / General Report

2020-12-24 07:46:47

▲ Netizens shared that they received an interview notice after posting her resume, but opening it left her dumbfounded. (Sketch / Reverse PhotoAC)

Many companies will post related job openings on the hiring website and will also attach job content and benefits to find the right talent. Job applicants who have completed their resumes look forward to a full response. However, some netizens recently shared that after receiving the notice of the interview, the content made her “not want to go to the interview for a second.” The post sparked a heated discussion.

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The original PO noted in a Dcard post: “I really want to thank your company for allowing me to spend less time interviewing because I still have a job. I feel more at ease when I see this response. I received this response yesterday. Letter, after read it, I don’t want to go for a second. “

▲ The company interview notification letter contains only one sentence and the end of the text is still in English.  Make the end.  (Image / taken from Dcard)
▲ The company interview notification letter contains only one sentence and the end of the text is still in English. Make the end. (Image / taken from Dcard)

I saw the interview information posted. The company’s hotline number only replied, “Is the interview okay at 4pm on December 28?” Such a short sentence made the original police officer say helplessly: “The company that doesn’t write letters now is really like a mountain. It is the same height. Although I don’t know how everyone writes letters when applying for a job, there may be some companies that are used to being bitter. But let me put it first. Feeling acceptable, this attitude is really amazing. ” As soon as the post came out, netizens replied, “It’s so rude to interview newcomers, the company’s system won’t be that good,” “Okay! I also went to interview a company two days ago and the presenter He took me to the conference room while on the phone. It’s rude to leave me alone. “” It’s not okay to go back to him directly. Thank you. “I go to interviews like you.” (Editor: Zhang Jiazhe)

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