Jiangsu Taiwan Trade Examination Laboratory lost the place of the laboratory and shouted injustice Chen Shizhong drowned: It is difficult to peel off the sticker | Life | NOWnews Today News


Jiangsu Taiwan Trade Examination Laboratory lost the place of the laboratory and shouted injustice Chen Shizhong drowned: It is difficult to detach the sticker | Life | NOWnews Today News

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Jiangsu Taiwan Trade Exams Misplaced Laboratory Screaming Injustice, Shizhong Strangulation: Stickers Hard to Remove

Reporter Liu Yawen / Taipei Report

calendar_today2020-10-29 09: 35: 17 |to update2020-10-29 13:59:20

▲ Chen Shizhong, Minister of Health and Welfare, went to the Health, Environment and Welfare Committee for a joint review and investigation.  (Photo by reporter Ye Zhengxun, 10/15/2020)
▲ Chen Shizhong, Minister of Health and Fu, went to the Legislative Yuan today for a consultation (29). (Photo by reporter Ye Zhengxun)

The Epidemic Central Command Center suddenly dropped a shock bomb during its regular press conference yesterday (28). Commander Chen Shizhong confessed that due to a procedural error, he mistakenly placed the case of Case 536 as Case 530, resulting in Innocent Case 530 (Taiwanese Businessmen from Jiangsu) being included as the confirmed case.

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Immediately after the press conference, there was discontent among the laboratory staff, who felt that the command center attributed all responsibility to the laboratory that handled the samples, and also questioned that in the process of transporting the samples, not only the laboratory, but also transportation at the airport. Links, etc. In this sense, when Chen Shizhong went to the Legislative Yuan this morning (29) to prepare for the inquiries, the media asked him that the laboratory was protesting and that there were many errors in the delivery of the samples. The lab is not to blame. Does Chen apologize or explain otherwise? ? Chen Shizhong did not apologize for the first time. He mentioned: “Part of the airport is two terminals. Let’s see if the label (marked on the sample) is easy to remove. In fact, it is very difficult to remove.” He clearly refutes the possibility of an incorrect placement of the sample on the airport side and believes that the laboratory side has made a mistake.

However, Chen Shizhong also candidly said that he has checked the specimens for errors and other conditions. At present, there are some errors in some manual links. He stressed that there will be no punishment, and basically the investigation is to purify.

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