Japanese Post / Defeat Zhang Yi in 2 Months: A Sigh of Relief-Yahoo News


  1. Japanese post / 2 months to win Zhang Yi: a sigh of relief Yahoo News
  2. “Japan Post” Zhang Yi’s masterpiece this season, three strikes, shows his victory in almost 2 months
  3. Daily post / 6 games in 8K without losing points This season’s masterpiece Zhang Yi won the second victory of this season udn OOPS!
  4. Nikkei / Sachiko Kobayashi pretends to be “Mazu” Luxurious Yahoo Sports launch for Taiwan Day
  5. Nikkei “Seibu Taiwan Nichikobayashi played as Mazu and did meritorious service” The epidemic is gone “Free Times News
  6. Go to Google News to see the full report