“Japan Post” is fine! Wang Bairong tamped a long ham to make a lot of handshake (video) -Free Times Newsletter


  1. “Japanese Post” is fine! Wang Bairong slaps a long ham and happily shakes hands (video) Free Times e-newsletter
  2. Wang Bairong was resurrected for the second time in a row, starting the second game and making contributions-Formosa TV News network Formosa TV News network
  3. Japanese post / Wang Bairong hit second base to help lead, but early left Rakuten tied with UDN United News Network
  4. Daily Job Live “Wang Bairong wins long hit with some 2: 2 ham Rakuten Free Times Newsletter
  5. Daily Job | Wang Bairong’s batting machine change critic praised his change Taiwan Apple Daily
  6. Go to Google News to see the full report