“It is in the best interest of the country to relax the importation of American pigs and cattle” DPP: It is not a requirement that the people of the country should eat | Politics | Newtalk


DPP spokesman Yan Ruofang Image: Lin Chaoyi / photo

DPP spokesman Yan Ruofang Image: Lin Chaoyi / photo

On the 24th, the Legislative Yuan will carry out a review of 9 administrative orders for US pigs and cattle over 30 months of age With the advantage of the number of members of the DPP legislative caucus, all the proposals of the DPP caucus are approved . However, in the face of strong reaction and public doubts, DPP spokesman Yan Ruofang said that easing imports of pigs and cattle from the US is in the best interests of the country as a whole, and the opening up US pigs and cattle is giving the market an additional option, not a requirement. The Chinese must eat it.

Yan Ruofang pointed out that in the face of the impact of the epidemic this year and the general economic setbacks of every country in the world, although the Taiwanese economy has performed well this year, in the face of the future reorganization of the global supply chain, it is a great opportunity for Taiwan, and it is also a great opportunity. The big challenge is how to get on the international trade stage and let the economy continue to grow. Taiwan must work hard to seek more opportunities for economic and commercial development. When Taiwan-US relations Steadily developing in a better direction, especially in the United States, Congress has clearly communicated to the industry that they expect broader and deeper economic and trade relations with Taiwan; therefore, easing US imports of hogs and cattle is in the best interests of the country as a whole.

Yan Ruofang mentioned that Taiwan was finally removed from the FMD area this year. Taiwan’s fine pork can not only be sold domestically, but can also be exported internationally, resulting in higher profits for pig farmers. Therefore, the government, taking into account the international economic and trade situation, the needs of the domestic pig industry and the highest principle of safeguarding the health of the Chinese people, open the US pigs and cattle. with international standards will not only help achieve the progress of bilateral trade between Taiwan and the United States, but also contribute to achieve more business opportunities, accelerate the integration of domestic industries with international standards, expand the international economic and trade position from Taiwan, reinvent Taiwan and create win-win development.

Yan Ruofang emphasized that in order to improve the competitiveness of the domestic pig industry, the government has collected tens of billions of funds from the pig industry, with a total financing of 13 billion yuan in four years, and will do everything possible to guide the modernization and improvement of pig farms, promote the introduction of HACCP in slaughterhouses and the introduction of cold meat products in the meat market. Measures such as chain equipment, strategic expansion of Taiwanese pig exports and sales, protection of income and production and sales order of pig farmers, and expansion of subsidies for mandatory pig death insurance.

Yan Ruofang reiterated that Taiwan is a free market, and the opening of American pigs and cattle is to give the market one more option, not to demand that the Chinese eat. After opening imports next year, the government will do everything possible to control people’s health with the most rigorous attitude, protect people’s freedom of choice, and protect the livelihood of pig farmers. Preventing African swine fever and preventing pneumonia in the past is showing that the DPP government has the ability to do a good job. The government has also proposed five important management measures, including factory inspections in the United States, new product numbers, batch-by-batch inspections, clear labeling, Strict inspection is the specific method by which the government strengthens control of food safety and ensure food safety management, so that people feel comfortable.

Yan Ruofang expressed his special thanks to all the legislators in the DPP legislature who jointly committed and persisted to the end in developing the country’s overall economic and trade strategy; During this period, they have helped the administrative department deal with many misleading rumors. Communicate with society and jointly promote the further development of relations between Taiwan and the United States today, giving Taiwan a wider space for the international economy and trade to win more international support. I sincerely hope that all sectors of society, regardless of political parties and opposition, will work together for the health of the people and the long-term interests of the country, so that Taiwan can steadily advance and internationalize in the situation. changing, and let the international community continue to recognize Taiwan.

DPP spokesman Yan Ruofang reiterated that Taiwan is a free market and that the opening of American pigs and cattle is to give the market one more option, not to demand that people eat. After opening imports next year, the government will do everything possible to control people’s health with the most rigorous attitude, protect people’s freedom of choice, and protect the livelihood of pig farmers. Preventing African swine fever and preventing pneumonia in the past is showing that the DPP government has the ability to do a good job. The government has also proposed five important management measures, including factory inspections in the United States, new product numbers, batch-by-batch inspections, clear labeling, Strict inspection is the specific method by which the government strengthens control of food safety and ensure food safety management, so that people feel comfortable.

On the 24th, the Legislative Yuan will conduct a review of 9 administrative orders for US pigs and cattle over 30 months. With the advantage of the number of members of the DPP legislative caucus, all the proposals of the DPP caucus are approved. However, in the face of strong reaction and public doubts, DPP spokesman Yan Ruofang said that easing imports of pigs and cattle from the US is in the best interests of the country as a whole, and the opening up US hogs and cattle is giving the market an additional option, not a requirement. The Chinese must eat it.
