“It is also glorious to die of a disease” 2500 Britons voluntarily put the new corona virus in their noses and get 150,000 Taiwanese dollars per person | International | Newtalk


The UK launched the new

The UK launched the new coronavirus “human challenge”, soliciting volunteers to deliberately catch the epidemic, putting the new coronavirus in their nostrils and subjecting them to long-term observation. Image: Flip over the official US CDC website. USA

To combat the Wuhan pneumonia epidemic, the British government will launch the first “human challenge” of the new coronavirus in January next year, soliciting volunteers to deliberately contract the disease, putting the new coronavirus in their nostrils and subjecting them to long-term observation. term. The “human white mice” help test the efficacy of different vaccines in reducing the death rate from Wuhan pneumonia. Volunteers must be quarantined for observation. The British media reported that each person can receive compensation of 4,000 pounds (about 150,000 Taiwan dollars). Several volunteers have recently been exposed, expressing their hope to help fight the epidemic and hope to participate in the experiment. The elderly say bluntly: “Even if you die of disease, you die gloriously.”

The “human challenge” of deliberately infecting healthy people has always been morally controversial and is not commonly used by the medical community. However, the British government announced in October that it would invest 33.6 million pounds (about 1.26 billion Taiwan dollars) to “discover that humans can infect Wuhan.” The minimum dose of the pneumonia virus ”, after several months of preparation and review by the authorities, the experiment will finally begin next month. The first stage is the cooperation of Imperial College London, the Royal Free Hospital and the private hVIVO clinic. According to the “Daily Mail” report, volunteers will be quarantined for 3 weeks after receiving the virus for close observation and will receive approximately £ 4,000 in compensation. gold.

When the experimental plan was exposed in October, it was originally intended to recruit 90 volunteers, with the hope that they would be healthy people between 18 and 30 years old, who belonged to the group of low risk of contagion, for which up to 2,500 people participated. The researchers will spray the specially hospital-provided virus into the subjects’ nostrils in a secure room that will not allow the virus to leak out. Experts hope to show from experiments that patients infected with Wuhan pneumonia and with mild symptoms can still have antibodies for at least 4 months after being infected. One of the participating institutions, Imperial College London, noted that the preliminary experiment is expected to be seen in May. Results.

Professor Peter Openshaw, an expert on mucosal immunity at Imperial College London, explained that the virus must first reproduce in the nasal cavity of subjects. They will try to control it as a “limited infection”. After all, humans must be deliberately infected and should not be taken lightly. Act. But he believes that large-scale experiments can gain a great deal of valuable knowledge. “The Sun” described that the UK’s Royal Free Hospital will provide world-class medical equipment, and experts and trained medical staff will deal with the issues.

After becoming infected, the subjects will be isolated in hospital for 2 to 3 weeks and will be monitored for 24 hours, if they have mild symptoms, the doctor will administer remdesivir. Next year it will also be monitored by researchers to understand if there are any side effects. After the first stage of testing, researchers will look at how the vaccine can block the virus in the human body and then help test many vaccines that are still in development. The UK’s Royal Free Hospital said on the 23rd that according to the study of antibodies and T cells carried out by medical staff in London, it was found that those diagnosed with mild symptoms still have antibodies in their bodies 16 to 18 weeks after contracting the virus. , and they hope to be confirmed in this experiment.

Alex Greer, a 20-year-old chemistry student at Durham University in the UK, said in an interview with The Times: “Many people have also contracted Wuhan pneumonia, but they are powerless and cannot help with the investigation. I hope be able to help others better understand the virus. Greer believes this project is “using careful and empirical analysis to make contributions to the world.” Jennifer Wright, a 29-year-old college-working woman, said she is willing to run a small risk from the experiment, because many medical staff are also at risk of getting sick to care for people.

Alastair Fraser-Urquhart, an 18-year-old, said: “There are thousands of people suffering and getting into trouble because of the epidemic, but I don’t have any. I cannot sit idly by. I want to participate to end the epidemic. Feet. ”He believes that they are a low-risk group and should not miss this opportunity to contribute. Therefore, no matter how long they will be isolated, they are willing to join the experiment. Paul van den Bosch, 66, He was unable to participate in the experiment because he was too old. He hoped that the medical staff would consider including the middle-aged and elderly group for testing. He said, “People will die. It is glorious to die wisely. “
