Isolation and quarantine broke the new 5 cases, 4 cases were diagnosed only after customs clearance-Life-Zhongshi News Network


[Transmisión en vivo]Today, 5 more people have moved from abroad, and the command center organizes a press conference to explain | 2020.11.02

The Central Epidemic Command Center announced today (2) that 5 newly imported cases of COVID-19 (New Coronary Pneumonia) in China (cases 560 to 564) were all foreigners who came to work in Taiwan and entered from India, Indonesia and Philippines .

The command center stated that Case 560 is an Indian man in his 30s. He was examined on October 12 and 14 before coming to Taiwan, and the results were all negative. He came to Taiwan to work on October 15 with a colleague. So far he has no symptoms. . After the case’s home quarantine period expired, due to the company’s request, it was inspected on its own on October 31 and the diagnosis was confirmed today. A total of 16 contacts have been known, of which one is a colleague who introduced himself. The result of the inspection on October 31 was negative and classified as home isolation. The remaining 15 people are restaurant staff, hotel staff and taxi drivers, etc., because they use them when they come into contact with the case. The masks are listed as separate health management.

The command center noted that Case 561 was an Indonesian woman in her 30s. She arrived in Taiwan for work on October 18 and has been asymptomatic since entering Taiwan. She was checked before the quarantine period expired on October 31 and was diagnosed today. Since the case was asymptomatic and did not come into contact with others during the quarantine period, no contacts were listed.

The command center stated that case 562 is an Indonesian woman in her 30s. She arrived in Taiwan for work on October 10 and has been asymptomatic since entering Taiwan. The test result was negative before the expiration of the quarantine period on October 23. After the expiration of the quarantine period on October 25, the case was arranged by the intermediary to carry out an independent health management in the bedroom. Due to the employer’s request, the case was examined at the hospital at its own expense on October 30 and the diagnosis was confirmed today. A total of 36 case contacts have been identified, of which 33 are car contacts, 1 is an intermediary and are classified as independent health management and 2 are bedroom contacts and are classified as home isolation.

The command center noted that Case 563 is an Indonesian male in his 20s. It was an incoming migrant worker accompanying case 558 announced yesterday (1). The test came back negative in the 3 days prior to shipment. It was from October 14 until the end of the quarantine period. Asymptomatic, after the end of the quarantine period, the result of the self-financed inspection is negative. The case and another accompanying migrant worker were in close contact with Case 558 before entering the country, for which they were classified as home isolation. Both developed a cough and a sore throat on October 30 and were hospitalized for isolation and examination. Case 563 was positive. The results of another migrant worker from the same group were confirmed to be negative after two inspections; the results of the intermediate tests of 3 migrant workers were also negative.

The command center stated that Case 564 was a Filipino woman in her 20s. He arrived in Taiwan for work on October 19. It tested negative in the 3 days before shipment. So far he has had no symptoms. He was tested before the quarantine period expired on November 1. Confirmed. A total of 8 contacts have been identified, including 7 contacts on the same flight and 1 taxi driver, all of them subject to independent health management.

According to statistics from the command center, a total of 102,153 notifications related to novel coronavirus pneumonia have been reported so far (including 100,830 excluded cases), of which 563 were confirmed, 471 were imported from abroad, 55 were local cases , 36 were from Dunmu’s fleet and one was unknown; For example (case 530) remove the empty number. Of the confirmed cases, 7 died, 519 were released from isolation, and 37 were hospitalized in isolation.

(Zhongshi News Network)
