Is Health Insurance Rising? Medical Blitz “Elderly Drag Health Insurance Car” To Boost Family Income | Life | NOWnews Today News


Is Health Insurance Rising? Medical Blitz “Elderly Drag Health Insurance Car” To Boost Family Income | Life | NOWnews Today

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Is Health Insurance Rising? Medical Blitz “Elderly Drag Health Insurance Car” To Boost Family Income

Reporter Liu Yawen / Taipei Report

calendar_today2020-10-09 10:29:21 |to update2020-10-09 10:29:33

▲ Is health insurance going up?  Su Yifeng bombarded the
▲ Is health insurance going up? Su Yifeng bombarded the “elderly dragging the health insurance car”, demanding that the health insurance premium be reduced to the total household income. (Photo by reporter Liu Yawen)

Health insurance has been increased and the pros and cons are mutually debated. The Taiwan Economic Association, the Taiwan Health Economics Association and the Research Center for Epidemic Prevention of Yangming University held a seminar on “Health Insurance Reform within the framework of dialogue between generations, “inviting Su Yifeng and other People from the medical profession attended the meeting and chatted. In an interview prior to the Su Yi Summit, it was mentioned that increasing the burden of health insurance is an act to curb waste. The hospital or all the people should support this policy because the salaried class does not use the hospital’s resources as often. But you have to pay a lot of premiums, you think that part of the burden will increase, which will affect long-time hospitalized patients, but the increase is not much. Su Yifeng believes that by the end of next year, health insurance may be 70 billion in debt, and it is now a turning point in reform. If you don’t reform and increase the premium, if you keep moving forward, you’ll fall to the bottom of the cliff. Maybe your health insurance is ending due to bankruptcy. They have to increase some of the burden, or curb waste, increase insurance premiums, etc.

Su Yifeng stressed that it is not about criticizing the elderly who love to see a doctor, but in fact, the current medical situation in Taiwan, it is true that many elderly people often go to the hospital to socialize and chat. Seeing a doctor is a medical resource that is shared by all people. The wage-earning class bears a heavy burden. Su Yifeng emphasized that the current population of Taiwan is getting older and older, and there are fewer and fewer people in the salaried class. Is it because retirees cannot afford to pay premiums and premiums? Should you pay attention to the design method? The most feared is nothing. Young people help health insurance for 30 to 40 years. When you get older, health insurance just goes bad. What was the reason for the hard work?

Su Yifeng also gave an example. Former Health Director Ye Jinchuan mentioned that he can receive around 80,000 pensions per month, but the insurance premium is the minimum expense and he doesn’t even need to pay. Ye Jinchuan himself believes that it is unreasonable. Young people with more than 10,000 yuan have to pay more than 1,000 yuan a month, which is quite unfair. He considers that due to the unfair payment mechanism, many complaints from the salaried class have appeared, and health insurance must be maintained for a long time to be worthy of these young people who do not go to the doctor and pay premiums. He called on the government to confront the voice of the people.

To improve the premium collection mechanism, many medical experts have called for total household income to be promoted. Su Yifeng also expressed his support. He believes that, from each household’s perspective, he not only relies on salary income to collect fees, but is also fairer. Sex.

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