Inflammation in the face! Toxicologist Slapped, Weishuo Su Spreads “No Longer Scientific Fact” Rumors | Politics | Sanli News Network SETN.COM


Political Center / Full Report

The government will open up U.S. pork imports next year, but pork laced with ractopamine could also enter. Doctor Su Weishuo also claimed in the media that, in addition to being harmful to humans, high school can be 250 times more toxic than ecstasy, and high school would be inhaled after breathing. The Ministry of Health and Welfare also reported Su Weishuo for some false statements. American toxicologist Zhao Mingwei also refuted Su Weishuo’s comments one by one.

▲ American toxicologist Zhao Mingwei refutes Su Weishuo’s fallacy (image / photographed by Zhao Mingwei Facebook)

According to the “Xin Tou Ke” report, Zhao Mingwei believes that Su Weishuo said that Laiji’s toxicity is 250 times higher than ecstasy. The academic works cited should be retrospective works and the figures are also poorly valued. He further explained that in the original 2014 text, the chemical concentration of lysine in water was labeled 16 mM, but when the article was reviewed and published in 2017, the value was mistakenly set as 0.016 mM, a 1000-fold difference. between the two numbers. Zhao Mingwei said that many academics or doctors will read a lot of academic articles, but food safety cannot just look at academic articles! “In terms of drug dose, each dose has a different effect on the body. For example, if you take 10 grams and 100 grams and 1000 grams, the situation is different. Only one situation is used to make inferences. Actually, It’s not the same. Right. “

As for whether the breath will inhale ractopamine, Zhao Mingwei said it is unlikely. Because ractopamine has high water solubility and fast metabolism, it is relatively safe among all clenbuterol. “According to data presented by the US FDA in 1990, bleach can be metabolized within 24 hours by the human body.” Su Weishuo also said that eating pork that contains ractopamine causes mental illness and autism. In this regard, Zhao Mingwei mentioned that humans ate pork that was fed with bleach, “we eat pork, not bleach.” In the US FDA Safety Certification Report, Allowing mice to eat 125 micrograms a day for two years in a row has no effect. “However, the data reported in Dr. Su’s academic journal are : that the rats take 5 mg of corkscrew a day, Eat and the result has a negative effect “.

Zhao Mingwei believes that Su Weishuo’s daily data on mice consumed by rats is 1000 times more than the animal tests conducted by the US FDA, which will certainly have an impact. But Zhao Mingwei emphasized, let’s think about it: Why does academic research use such high doses for experiments? Because academic journals want to study the problems, the 125 microgram amount ingested by rats will have no adverse effects. To find problems, research must produce results. Therefore, the dose will be continuously increased during the experiment until it causes problems. until. “The maximum allowed level of ractopamine residues in the country is 10 micrograms per kilogram. If calculated on the basis of a standard body weight of 60 kilograms, 6 kilograms of meat should be consumed every day for 5 to 10 years to exceed safe intake “.

Zhao Mingwei mentioned that from a food safety perspective, people eat pork that has been fed leukocephaly. He believes that compared to excessive bacterial counts, agricultural products contain heavy metals, etc. Venom is not something with clear toxicity at all. Currently, the government is obliged to clearly label and make clear controls. It should not exceed this standard and the place of origin should be marked. Regarding the Su Weishuo incident, do you think the government suppressed freedom of expression? Zhao Mingwei believes that from his point of view it is not a suppression of freedom of expression, because Su Weishuo’s speech is no longer a scientific fact, and it is not that Su Weishuo is right and has nothing to do with the freedom of expression.
