Individual / Who needs to eat “Group B”? Pharmacist: No need to eat if you meet 2 conditions | Health | Sanli News Network SETN.COM


Reporter Chen Yi / Taipei Report

An article published in “Pikkik Industry Workshop” caused a heated discussion. A netizen claimed to have eaten a group B after a meal, but wasted money for a doctor friend who choked on common sense and wasted money. “The vitamins and minerals the human body can absorb are like this. Many, food group B will only drain the excess.” For the general public, is it really unnecessary to take group B? The pharmacist said bluntly: “Not necessarily!”

▲ Pharmacies have a dazzling variety of healthy foods. Group B is often a hot selling product. (Schematic / Obtained from Pixabay)

Rows of “health food walls” in major drug stores and pharmacies revealed that there are many consumers of nutritional supplements in China, and group B is even more popular. Most people take group B for their peace of mind. Anyway, if there is a deficiency, it will be filled, and if there is no deficiency, it will be excreted. Of course, there is also a group of people who argue that group B is not very effective for normal people. If these pills are ritually ingested every day, the body will not be able to absorb all of them, but they are only producing “expensive urine.” Pharmacist Su Baiming told “Sanli News Network” that sometimes eating from group B doesn’t make much sense, but the premise is that you have done it yourself.balance dietYHealthy

Su Baiming emphasized that if a person has normal work and rest, a strong head, and balanced nutrition, they do not need to supplement group B. However, most office workers may have a difficult time achieving this. Socializing, eating together, drinking and normal nutrition. It’s easy to filter from east to west, and it makes sense to eat pool B to form the network. “So do I need to eat from Group B?” Su Baiming believes that answering this question is not so easy, it depends on the lifestyle, eating habits and health of the individual.

For some people, Food Group B is necessary:VegetarianIf you do not eat meat or eggs, you are prone to a lack of B12 and insufficient intake can lead to neurological dysfunction;Dialysis patientOften due to dietary restrictions, medications or uremia, loss of kidney dialysis, chronic inflammation, etc., some water-soluble vitamins are insufficient, and group B is the vitamin needed by nephrologists; it is necessary for high blood pressure and edema.Those who take diuretics for a long time., You can use group B to regain lost nutrition;a majorIt’s easy to be deficient in vitamin B12, which ranges from having no symptoms or feeling tired, to causing serious neurological problems;Pregnant womanB9 (folate) is especially necessary, because it plays an important role in the formation of neural tubes and can promote the normal development of the fetus; alcohol will affect the absorption of the vitamin B complex and will accelerate its consumption, soAlcoholicsGroup B supplements are more necessary.

“Can you eat the B complex after a meal?” Said Su Baiming, vitamins are divided into water-soluble and fat-soluble vitamins. The common vitamin B complex is made up of a variety of water-soluble vitamins. You can eat it at any time; There are also some B complexes on the market. It is soluble in fat, the oil in food can help to absorb, suitable for taking after meals.

▲ Pharmacist Su Baiming said healthy people with a balanced diet do not need to supplement group B. (Image / provided by pharmacist, taken from Pixabay)

A small number of people will swallow a group B when they are mentally depressed, to prevent the eyelids from hearing. Su Baiming clarified that group B is a “coenzyme”, which can help metabolism but cannot replenish physical strength, much less refresh itself. Some people even think that eating group B before bed can cause insomnia, but Su Baiming has reservations: “B6 and B12 can help maintain nervous stability.”

Group B is not so much bigger, the better. Su Baiming recalled that even if you take group B in high doses and in large volume, the absorption effect of the body is limited. Perhaps only 60% to 70% is useful, and the rest will eventually be used by the body. download. Group B should not eat as much as possible. For example, although B6 helps the body make red blood cells, too much can damage the nervous system; If ingested in excess, foreign studies have shown that it can increase the risk of fractures.

Su Baiming said that if you want to know if your nutrition is balanced, you may want to ask a nutritionist to evaluate the nutrients in your daily meals; or through regular health checks, let the numbers do the talking and with the help of a doctor you can replenish what you need based on the exact values. Of nutrients. If you are a person who does not eat fruits and vegetables at all, supplementing with group B can be of great help.
