Indiscriminately Accused of Fraudulent Voting Machines, Trump Allies and All Accused by Tingchuan News Channel-International-China Times


Although US President Trump’s camp has repeatedly accused Dominion, a voting machine company, of suspected voter fraud, and many Trump allies and news stations that support Trump have echoed his claims, the Dominion company he finally couldn’t bear it. Law Coach Giuliani, Tingchuan Lawyer Bauer, Tingchuan Media “Fox News”, “Extreme News” and “One US News Network”, as well as many well-known conservative websites and writers who uphold conspiracy theories. Sue for defamation.

Regarding the repeated accusations from the Trump camp of involvement in voter fraud, Dominion Voting Machine Company ultimately could not bear it. The company’s chief security officer, Cuomo, decided to file a complaint with Trump’s lawyer trainer Giuliani and many Tingchuan television stations.

According to the Associated Press, Eric Coomer said that after being named by Trump’s camp as Democratic President-elect Biden by “stealing” key figures in the elections, his life has changed. Now he just hopes to find it through litigation. Come back to life. He said that under the spotlight in the past, the public trusted him in both political and financial matters. “But now, due to these accusations, I must try all means to return to my previous life, so I put my trust in The court proceedings have already announced the truth of this year’s elections.”

Cuomo’s attorney noted that after Dominion was appointed, Cuomo was forced to face false accusations. His name was even made up by the multitude of conspiracy theories, saying that he “had secret connections to the Antifa group. Originally, Trump’s victory was in sight. A person named Eric (Cuomo’s name) from Dominion said: “Don’t worry about the election, Trump won’t win … I’m pretty sure. Cuomo has long stated that he has nothing to do with Antifa, and the host too He refused to cooperate with the fact-checking center and provide any information that could prove his statement.

The report noted that in the current general election, Dominion, which provided voting machines for several swing states, has long denied the Trump camp allegations and bluntly has no evidence to support its claims. Now Dominion and Smartmatic, another voting systems company, have started fighting such baseless conspiracy theories, and when these companies threatened to sue Fox News, which previously accused the company of fraud,, “Newsmax” ( Newsmax) has cleared up all previous reports, stating that “there is no evidence to prove systemic fraud in the general election.”

Article source: Dominion worker sues Trump campaign and conservative media

(Zhongshi News Network)
