Independent / revealing news about Chinese masks, interview with pharmacists under heavy pressure … Temporary abandonment of Taipei | Life | Sanli News Network SETN.COM


Reporters Hua Yunxi and Dai Huachen / Taipei Report

An outbreak of the excellent domestically sourced GMP certified mask factory “Gali Technology Co., Ltd.” imported 3.37 million pieces of Chinese-made masks, mixed with real-name masks that were being collected, to burn down the efforts of our national team and cause social panic. This important message, on the 2nd According to the reporter team of “Sanli News Network”, the external disclosure on the 3rd caused a stir, and the Peking University pharmacist Liang Shimin, who was considered a “whistleblower”, also received a exclusive interview on this website again on day 5, revealing that the first line pharmacist really I was very alert, and at that time I was thinking of people with masks, they did not pay but they did not get the masks they should buy, sure they were under a lot Pressure.

(Exclusive report: Duo / Open and scared! New Beijing Pharmaceutical Bureau is shocked to report that real name masks are suspected of being mixed with “Made in China”)

▲ Liang Shimin, the pharmacist who presented the information, agreed to an exclusive interview with Sanli News. (Photo by reporter Dai Huachen)

Liang Shimin, whom the outside world considers a whistleblower, stressed that it was not he who discovered the mask packaging anomaly at first. He shouldn’t be called the “whistleblower,” but the pharmacist at New Taipei City Sanchong Pharmacy discovered him the first time. However, the news began to circulate at noon on the 2nd. No one inside knew how to deal with it. It was the first time I found that it was absolutely impossible for masks made in China to appear on masks with real names. Although the Food and Drug Administration was notified, he had to wait for prosecutors’ investigation. He was anxious and after asking about the wishes of the president of the All Union Community Pharmacy Office, he confirmed to “Sanli News Network” that Chinese-made masks were mixed with real name masks.

▲ Gali mask MIC mixed with MIT, Lin Mingjin pleaded guilty to paying 3.5 million

For Gali’s boss, the quality of the masks is absolutely safe. He believes that this is not the key point, but a question of procedure, in addition to undermining social trust; because in the Pharmaceutical Affairs Act, unlicensed and uninspected masks are equivalent to It’s a “counterfeit drug.” If you order it ahead of time, report it, and then sell it, the problem may not be big. What’s more, what Gali pretended to be a “national team mask” destroyed our country’s system of trust. However, in response to this, Chi Lanhui, deputy director of the Food and Drug Administration’s Quality Supervision and Management Group, replied that whether it is a real name system or a medical mask, no matter what country occurs, you must first apply for a license before importing, not to mention Gali. It is a Taiwanese manufacturer. Its license is made in Taiwan and imported for non-medical purposes. This is not qualified. There is no need to view your inspection status. The process is illegal.

▲ Chi Lanhui, deputy director of the Food and Drug Administration’s Quality Supervision and Management Group, told a press conference that Gali imported 3.37 million masks from MIT.

After the incident broke out, the Food and Drug Administration urgently held a press conference. The Presidential Palace, the Executive Yuan and the Ministry of Health and Welfare expressed their anger. Liang Shimin said that at first he didn’t think it was just a clue. There will be so many imports and exports, counterfeit masks behind. I just want to solve the problem asap. Don’t delay a week or two or months before the public is told that recycling masks will be more of a problem.

He cited his own pharmacy as an example. After the mask ban was lifted on June 1, he did not receive the real-name masks issued by the post office, so the system was also closed; but now that Gali’s masks need to be returned, they need to be reported from the system. He had no way of retiring, so he could only tell people who went to the pharmacy that he couldn’t handle it. This situation is not an isolated case. There are many specialty pharmacies that have similar conditions, which places a lot of burden on pharmacists.

▲ Liang Shimin said that he was under tremendous pressure, but thought he was doing the right thing. (Photo by reporter Dai Huachen)

Of course, those who choose to stand will have to endure the pressure. Liang Shimin said that some pharmacists and people from the guild do not understand, and they even increase the problem for pharmacists due to recycling of masks. But he believes that the government has adopted the general system of real names for masks. Support measures should be more comprehensive. Regarding the inspection of masks, the command center announced the frequency of the random inspections. A full random inspection will take place in June, followed by random inspections. After September 2, the following methods will be adopted: the melt blown fabric part of the raw material will be sampled at least once a month; The mask part will be changed to the factory at least once every two months, and the mask will be sampled and accepted at least once a month.

▲ Lin Mingjin jumped in first place, saying that he was ashamed of the national mask team. (Image / photo data)

Liang Shimin has a fair personality and said bluntly that if he had not chosen to display it this time, the public might have to wait a week or a month before the inspection and investigation was completed and the product returned. But in the process, how many people would get fake masks? That is what worries you. Therefore, even if there are many voices inside and outside, you are still willing to expose it to the outside world. Now that the strange voice is too loud, some people ask you to stop talking. Therefore, choose to leave Taipei first and speak no more. .

Liang Shimin had relied on the voice of the front-line pharmacist in the past. In April, he confided that the pharmacist’s daily allowance was low and even asked for the cancellation. Although it wasn’t canceled in the end, he was able to tell from the process that he was a hero. In the process of registering the real name of the mask, the pharmacist served the people on the front line. It was difficult but proud. Even this time, it was because the pharmacist’s care to find mixed masks was like a chain of zongzi, getting all the clues. Roll bigger.

▲ I never thought of my own righteous voice, which caused great concern. (Photo by reporter Dai Huachen)

He is currently practicing for 18 years and faced SARS in his first year of being out of society. At the time, he was a pharmacist at the hospital, so he was particularly impressed. However, remembering that Wuhan pneumonia is much more serious than the previous epidemic, it is older and has spread. Especially the real-name mask system, since the beginning of the epidemic, pharmacists have played a key role.

According to the prosecutor’s investigation, the Gali company’s huge profit was estimated to be at least more than 20 million yuan, but he cried to the camera, saying that he had to do it because he wanted the employees to rest. Lin Mingjin insisted that the mask material is safe, but “the imposter” Not only is the reputation of our country humiliated, the chain of social trust is also destroyed and panic is generated. There is no excuse for this.
