[Inauguración de Biden‧Actualizado continuamente]Biden Sworn in as the 46th President of the US Political Circle-Zhongshi News Network


[Transmisión en vivo]Inauguration oath ceremony of new US President Biden


President Biden entered the Capitol Presidential Hall and signed the first three documents since his inauguration, including: the announcement of the inauguration ceremony, the appointment of the chief of staff and the appointment of the deputy chief of staff. Subsequently, Biden will go to the east side of the Capitol to inspect the Joint Task Force-National Capital Region (Joint Task Force-National Capital Region). After the finale, you will go to Arlington National Cemetery with Mrs. Obama and Mrs. Clinton.


Biden went to church early for mass.  (Photo / Associated press)
Biden went to church early for mass. (Photo / Associated press)

With the official end of Biden’s inauguration, Biden immediately shouted on Twitter: “Guys, the real work is about to begin,” and his future tweets will also be transferred from his personal Twitter account to the President of the United States. Official Twitter. He emphasized that to resolve all the crises he faces, there is no time to lose. This is also why I want to work in the White House office right away, it is to take decisive action so that American families can immediately get channels of help.

Previously, He Jinli also tweeted “For the people, forever.”

He Jinli was sworn in as vice president.  (Photo / Associated press)
He Jinli was sworn in as vice president. (Photo / Associated press)
Goddess Kaka leads the singing of the national anthem.  (Photo / Reuters)
Goddess Kaka leads the singing of the national anthem. (Photo / Reuters)

Biden, the president-elect of the United States, officially took office on the 20th and became the 46th president of the United States. CNN reported that Biden was sworn in as president and vice president under the testimony of the Chief Justice of the United States, John Roberts, while He Jinli was sworn in as president and vice president under the testimony of Justice Sotomayor; Because Sotomar was a Latino judge, she became the first non-Asian vice president of the United States, took office under the testimony of the first Latino judge in the United States, and wrote a new page in the history of American democracy.

The ceremony began with a speech by US Senator Amy Klobuchar. He said that the chaos of Congress occurred in the same place a few days ago in hindsight; today is the day of the resurgence of democracy in the United States, which will sweep away the past and reveal a new scenario. America will become an indivisible country under God, where all people will have freedom and justice.

After the goddess Kaka led the singing of the American national anthem, Vice President He Jinli placed her left hand on the Bible and took the oath under the testimony of Judge Sotomayor. Subsequently, Biden took the oath of office pressing the Bible with his left hand under Roberts’s testimony. The Bible Biden used when he was sworn in was the Bible he used when he declared his inauguration as vice president in 2009 and 2013.

Biden first went to St. Matthew’s Cathedral in Washington, DC for a mass with First Lady Jill and Vice President He Jinli, then rushed to the Capitol to prepare for the formal inauguration of office.

Earlier, when former President Trump left Washington, Biden also posted today’s first tweet: “Today will be a new day in America.” Biden wore the clothes of American designer Rov Lauren, and First Lady Jill’s peacock blue dress and jacket were made by rookie Alexandra O’Neill in the American fashion industry.

Vice President He Jinli wore a purple dress designed by designers Christopher John Rogers and Sergio Hudson. The two designers are renowned African American designers and are worn by the vice president of Indian descent, which is of particular importance to the United States, which has just experienced the pain of ethnic tears.

At past presidential inauguration ceremonies, large numbers of spectators flocked to the surrounding shopping malls to get a good view of the new president’s inauguration. However, due to the impact of the new corona pneumonia pandemic and the turmoil of Sichuan fans on the 6th, people have been banned from entering the surrounding shopping malls to watch Biden’s opening ceremony for reasons of security. Currently, there is only one exit, and only journalists and staff members who have received their certificates can enter the ceremony.

However, the inauguration committee was also quite resourceful. He placed 200,000 national flags on the site, symbolizing the 56 states, special territories, and people of the United States. Furthermore, Tiangong is also beautiful, and the opening ceremony is covered with gold. Shine, quite happy. CNN stated that this is the first time sunny weather has appeared since President Clinton’s inauguration ceremony nearly 30 years ago.

A few hours before Biden officially took office, President Obama sent his deepest wishes to his good friend Biden on Twitter: “Congratulations, my friend, President Biden! Now is your time.” Attached to the post is a photo of the two people walking with their shoulders and arms embraced in the White House.

Although this ceremony is not the greatest in history, some special guests have appeared. Jacob Blake, an African American man who was shot in the back by US police, will attend Biden’s inauguration ceremony with his family. Blake said that Biden will be very clear about how the black ethnic group can help him in the general elections, and Biden and He Jinli will also bring significant changes to the African ethnic group.

In addition, the Pentagon’s National Military Command Center strictly monitors the situation around the world 24 hours a day and protects against the transfer of power in Washington, which can cause people to seize the opportunity to cause chaos. The army stated that there has been no movement from Iran and North Korea in recent days. A few days ago, the joint chiefs of staff meeting held a meeting to discuss the contingency plan to be adopted if a major national security crisis occurs on the day of the inauguration ceremony. CNN stated that this year the military especially coordinated with federal law enforcement agencies to jointly prevent extremist groups from mutinying in the United States.

On the other hand, the Army National Guard has also been in close contact with the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Secret Service, coordinating and sharing all kinds of intelligence collected.

(Zhongshi News Network)
