Import 5.5 million pieces! The person in charge of the Taiwanese medical masks made in China, Sogo, was arrested | Society | Sanli News Network SETN.COM


Reporter Zhang Yazhu / Taichung Report

Taichung broke “upstream” a Taiwanese medical mask manufacturer! Recently, the Taichung Bureau of Investigation received a report online. After further investigation, it was discovered that since June this year, the director of Sogo Co., Ltd., surnamed Lin, had a bad heart. It wanted to take advantage of the epidemic and imported 5.5 million general dust masks from mainland China. The film was then faked into medical masks under the guise of Liyou, announcing that Taiwan’s “Sogo brand medical masks” were being sold in a 50-yuan box to medical equipment stores, mask suppliers, and the Internet all over the country. The illegal profits amounted to more than 4 million. After the indictment hearing, it was determined that Lin Nan, the perpetrator, was suspected of fraud and other crimes, and was suspected of committing fraudulent crimes repeatedly. He applied for detention with the Taichung District Court and it was approved.

▲ The prosecutor searched Sogo and found counterfeit masks. (Image / Rotating screen)

After the investigation, in order to take advantage of the high demand for masks during the epidemic prevention period and make huge profits, the person in charge of Sogo surnamed Lin has imported 5.5 million pieces of general waterproof masks dust from an industry in mainland China since June this year. What is it for? The Taichung prosecutor stated that one part was sold as general masks advertised as made in Taiwan, and the other part was signed with the medical mask manufacturer 立 his company to sign a contract for the actual manufacturing and commissioned a printing company to print the SOGO brand medical masks made by 立 your company Packed in an outer box with Chinese masks inside, and finally sold fake Taiwanese medical masks.

In this regard, the 立 you company stated that they had no knowledge of it and that they were defenseless and after the prosecution heard the prosecutor, the person responsible for the last name Chen paid 50,000 yuan. According to statistics, SOGO has sold more than 1.2 million counterfeit masks to the outside world. If it is calculated at 180 to 200 yuan per box, his illegal profits have reached more than 4 million. On the 21 of this month, Taichung prosecutors searched and inspected together with the Bureau of Investigation, the Bureau of Health, the Bureau of Standards, Metrology and Inspections of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, and seized the counterfeit masks and related sales certificates. in the place. After questioning, prosecutors determined that Sogo Lin was responsible. He was suspected of being involved in fraud and other crimes, and was suspected of committing fraudulent crimes repeatedly. Therefore, he applied for the arrest of the Taichung District Court and was approved.

▼ ▲ General masks imported by Sogo from mainland China do not have seals, ear straps, or edges.

The Taichung District Prosecutor’s Office stated that they are absolutely tolerant of unscrupulous operators who fake masks and fake national team medical masks. They are currently actively investigating Sogo and Inken’s counterfeit medical masks, reminding everyone not to. If you buy masks from unknown sources, if you find fake medical masks produced by qualified manufacturers, you can report it to the Taichung District Prosecutor’s Office or judicial police.
