If Taiwan refuses to participate in Tsai Ing-wen’s reprimand: WHO will lose Health for All | Politics


President Tsai Ing-wen's Facebook post on the 9th called for Taiwan to participate in the WHA Image: Tsai Ing-wen's Facebook

President Tsai Ing-wen’s Facebook post on the 9th called for Taiwan to participate in WHA Photo: Tsai Ing-wen’s Facebook

This sessionWorld Health Assembly (WHAWill be9The meeting resumed every day and the9Day to14OnlineHowever, Taiwan still has no fewer invitations. President Tsai Ing-wen posted on Facebook today:Under the threat of the epidemic, now is the time for global unityin casewhoStill, due to the intervention of the Beijing authorities, the continued rejection of Taiwan’s participation will not only miss the opportunity for global solidarity to fight the epidemic, but will also losewhoDeclared Health for all idea.

Tsai Ing-wen said:2020World Health Assembly (WHA) The meeting will resume and will be held online today. In recent days, the international community’s friends with Taiwan have spoken out to support Taiwan, hoping that Taiwan can participate.she wasThanks one by one:

✅The US delegation in Geneva and the Japanese and Chinese congressmen from the Japanese Congress support Taiwan’s invitation to participate through statements and resolutions respectivelyWHA

✅ Latin America17Country total791A congressman who supported Taiwan’s participation in the World Health Organization (WHO) in the form of Congressional resolutions, joint letters, social media tweets or videos, etc.who)。

✅Europe25Country total644Members of Parliament and the European Parliament, letter signed jointlywhoSecretary General Tan Desai, supporting Taiwan to attendWHA

✅Central Europe4Country and Baltic Sea3Country total106A member of Congress, he also signed and wrote towhoSecretary General Tan Desai, unanimously expressed his participation in TaiwanwhoHighly supported.

✅From Africa29Country total181Members of Congress formed the “Club Formosa” in Africa to support Taiwan’s participation, includingwhoInternational organizations.

✅The “Transnational Parliamentary Alliance on China Policy” made up of congressmen from five continents (IPAC), issued a public statement askingwho, Accept the participation of TaiwanWHAAnd all related meetings, mechanisms and activities.

Tsai Ing-wen said:Help me! The actions of thousands of congressmen from around the world demonstrate that supporting Taiwan is a voice that the international community cannot ignore.whoStill, due to the intervention of the Beijing authorities, the continued rejection of Taiwan’s participation will not only miss the opportunity for global solidarity to fight the epidemic, but will also losewhoDeclared Health for all idea.

Tsai Ing-wen said:Although the obstacles and threats are still there, Taiwan will not stop its efforts and will never give up everything it can prove.Taiwan can help Opportunity!

The World Health Assembly (WHA) will resume on the 9th and will be held online from the 9th to the 14th. However, Taiwan still has no shortage of invitations. President Tsai Ing-wen posted today on Facebook, under the epidemic threat, now is the time for global unity

If the WHO continues to reject Taiwan’s participation due to the intervention of the Beijing authorities, it will not only miss the opportunity for global solidarity to fight the epidemic, but also the Health for All concept declared by the WHO.
