I feel sorry for the people Lin Yihua after being bombarded by Su Zhenchang: The Kuomintang is really for the people this time | Politics |新 头壳 Newtalk


Lin Yihua, secretary of the Kuomintang Party Image: Huang Jianhao / Photo

Lin Yihua, secretary of the Kuomintang Party Image: Huang Jianhao / Photo

Executive Yuan Su Zhenchang went to the Legislative Yuan for a political speech today (30) and was boycotted again by the Kuomintang group. Su Zhenchang was reprimanded for this. The Kuomintang legislators received high salaries and did nothing, and they mourned the people. Lin Yihua, party secretary of the Kuomintang, replied that the Kuomintang did not do this for itself, but for the health and food security of the people.

Due to the request of the Kuomintang group, before the political speech, Su Zhenchang should apologize for the inconsistency between the attitude of opening the pig and before taking office. As a result of the stalemate between the two sides, Su Zhenchang and cabinet officials have repeatedly turned away from the Legislative Yuan. However, Lin Yihua stressed that this time the DPP’s pig opening is a black box operation and has not respected public opinion. Until now, the Kuomintang’s request has even been recognized by other opposition parties, which is that Su Zhenchang should apologize to all the people and be a fork to (open all pig attitude) Bend and the process of opening the black box. , Su Zhenchang apologized for being able to take the stage to make a political speech.

Lin Yihua said that such a request is not excessive at all. When the KMT was in power, the DPP asked then-President Ma Ying-jeou to apologize, then the Secretary General of the National Security Council Su Qiying to resign, and finally Su Qi also apologized to the people. It’s not a big deal, but Su Zhenchang is unwilling to apologize.

Lin Yihua also pointed out that the more the Legislative Yuan questioned the committee, the more he found that the entire opening process was illegal and that people cared, even clearly stating whether ractopamine was contained in food ingredients, the management of source and factory inspections in the United States. The Progressive Party was banned one by one, so the Kuomintang was in a position to ensure the health and food safety of the people. They believed that Su Zhenchang still had to express his apologies and respond to public opinion in order to give Su Zhenchang a reason to come to power.

The Kuomintang regiment does not rule out boycotting until the end of this year. Lin Yihua frankly said that this time from the perspective of people’s food security, he decided to fight a long-term battle. Today, as long as the DPP and the Executive Yuan do not respond to public opinion, the KMT will continue to fight in the Legislative Yuan and will definitely persist until the end.

As to whether the DPP clears the field? Lin Yihua said that the KMT is completely in the position of public opinion this time. Regarding the fact that everyone opposes Laizhu’s entry into Taiwan, no matter which poll it is from, at least 60% oppose. Therefore the DPP is now so dominant and not In a situation where public opinion is valued and nothing is agreed upon, if the DPP dared to use a forceful way to clear the ground, it would have to pay a certain price politician and the public would see it in his eyes.

Lin Yihua stressed that the KMT did this today not for itself, but for the health and food safety of the people. So today is very simple. As long as Su Zhenchang is willing to apologize and respond to related issues that concern people, I believe that the KMT will not prevent Su Zhenchang from coming to power. .

Executive Yuan Su Zhenchang went to the Legislative Yuan to deliver his political speech today (30) and was again boycotted by the KMT group. Su Zhenchang was reprimanded for this. The KMT legislators received high salaries and did nothing, and they lamented the people. Lin Yihua, party secretary of the Kuomintang, replied that the Kuomintang did not do it for itself, but for the health and food security of the people.
