Huang Jie was humiliated and sued netizens to donate 9,000 yuan to mediation before being charged: bullying people for money-Politics-China Times


Kaohsiung City Councilor Huang Jie has generously admitted that she is gay and advocates “love regardless of gender, regardless of ability,” but has drawn dissatisfaction from opponents. He has repeatedly attacked, abused and even personally attacked on the Internet, so he chose not to tolerate it. A few days ago a notice was filed. Unexpectedly, after the mediation, Huang Jie accused the other party of discrediting the harassment again, saying that she “harassed people for money” and even revealed her personal information, which surprised her.

Previously, some netizens humiliated them with extreme comments such as “They like to lick fish”, “They like to stab themselves”, “Homosexuality is disgusting”, and Huang Jie decided not to tolerate verbal harassment and offered to tell them.

Huang Jie stated yesterday on Facebook (27) that although he ultimately chose tolerant mediation in this lawsuit, he hoped it would not cause a legal charge and hoped the other party would learn a lesson, but he did not expect such kindness to be rumored. Discredit. I was hoping that the other party would understand and respect gender issues, so the mediation was carried out on the condition of “donation to gender advocacy groups”. The other party also agreed and the mediation was successful.

Huang Jie pointed out that the other party recently used mediation content to discredit the harassment again, not only attacking her for “harassing people for money,” but also once again spreading the dismissal group’s false idea of ​​”just wanting to promote. gay city “and other content, and even disclosed your information. I was very surprised by his personality.

In the screenshot of Huang Jie’s Facebook page, you can see that the other party said, “Don’t say that others are bullying you … When you kicked out Han Guoyu, did you think that you were bullying others?” They thought they would donate 9,000 yuan to gay groups as a condition. The reconciliation is also being intimidated and Huang Jie is accused of being cruel and brash.

The two sides used a 9,000 yuan donation to a gender-friendly group as a condition of reconciliation, but netizens were not satisfied and accused Huang Jie of intimidating people.  (Image / Excerpt from Huang Jie's Facebook)
The two sides used a 9,000 yuan donation to a gender-friendly group as a condition for reconciliation, but netizens were not satisfied and accused Huang Jie of intimidating people. (Image / Excerpt from Huang Jie’s Facebook)

As a worker, Huang Jie said that in the past two years in politics, she has often been verbally attacked due to different ideas, and this situation has only increased since the retirement was completed. As a young politician, while you can choose to tolerate such humiliating and intimidating malicious comments and accept emotional catharsis from a few people, that doesn’t mean those comments can be forgiven. Many people in society will feel insulted by such discrimination. , Suffered irreparable damage.

Huang Jie hopes to identify with everyone who supports her. Faced with such a situation, you do not need to fight with fierce words with the other party, choose to do the right thing, do not let anyone get hurt, and you will redouble your efforts.

(Zhongshi News Network)
