HR Call for Interview Job Seeker Tragedy Missed Call Back GG | New | NOWnews Today News


HR Calls For Interview Job Seeker Tragedy Missed Call Back GG | New | NOWnews Today News

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HR Call for Interview! Job Seeker Tragedy Missed Call Back GG

Editorial Center / General Report

2020-12-24 11:59:25

▲ Netizens complained on the Internet and were bitter about the
▲ A netizen pointed out that when she was busy, she missed the invitation call for the company’s HR interview, but when she called again, it was quite popular. (Schematic diagram, the characters in the picture have nothing to do with this article / flipped on Pixabay)

When recruiting talent, many companies select candidates based on their skills and conditions, and then send out interview invitations through letters or phone calls. However, one netizen pointed out that when she was busy, she missed the invitation call to the company’s HR interview, but when she called again, she angrily said, “Are you going to shoot the birds?”

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The original PO posted a question on “Dcard” “I don’t know if he has come across this situation.” He noted that he had voted for the position of purchasing assistant for a company. One day when she was busy, she missed the invitation to the company interview. Phone, and then called again. For the moment, he explained the situation with the switchboard, and also gave his name and the position he applied for. The other party asked him to wait about 2 minutes, but was told that “they are talking on the phone, please call me later”. The original PO waited 15 minutes and called again: “The switchboard said to help me with the transfer. The waiting time was longer this time, and then the switchboard lady told me that no one called me.”

In such a situation, the original PO had no choice but to say, “Well, it’s really nothing. I feel a bit speechless at the moment. Is this the human capital that shoots birds indiscriminately?” Finally, he was also curious and asked, “Are there any human resources? Would you do this?”

▲ Original PO noted that interview call for HR interview was missed.  (Photo / Dcard)
▲ Original PO noted that HR interview invitation call had been missed. (Photo / Dcard)

As soon as the post was exposed, netizens immediately attracted the discussion, but many people had different points of view, “There are many situations, right? For example, Human Capital came to ask you for an interview, but you did not get it and you went to ask someone else. When the interview quota is full, I will not ask you any more ~ ​​Besides, many job seekers are also arbitrarily firing XD “,” Why is it judged to be a human resources problem? Maybe the switchboard is She got it wrong and gave different information. Isn’t it too arbitrary for her to make a cursory judgment on HR?

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