Hong Kong’s famous mouth that took off his mask on the high-speed train “talking for 18 minutes” was reported as a violation of the epidemic | Apple News | Apple Daily


Recently, New Zealand pilots have caused groups of planes and zero local cases in Taiwan to break the ground. The public has come to realize once again that the attitude of epidemic prevention cannot be lax to avoid a violation. Reader Wang complained to “Apple News” yesterday (12/26). On YouTube, he saw Hong Kong celebrity Xiao Ruoyuan posted two videos the day before yesterday (12/25). The scenes appeared to be in the high-speed cars. Wear a mask. This has clearly violated the command center stipulation that a mask must be worn the entire journey on the double train. The high-speed train requires passengers to wear masks for the entire journey, unless there is a dietary requirement, and no one is in the seat next to you or the passenger next to you wears a mask, then they can eat and drink for a short time;

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This year (2020), the well-known Xiao Ruoyuan from Hong Kong, who moved to Taiwan with his wife in February, is a celebrity roaming the Hong Kong stock market, politics, and entertainment circles. The day before yesterday, Xiao Ruoyuan posted two topical comment videos on the “Mystery” YouTube channel. The topics are electric cars and Brexit. The recording scenes appear to be window seats on Taiwan’s commercial high-speed railways.

At the beginning of the Brexit movie, Xiao Ruoyuan greeted the audience with a mask, but took off the mask in a few seconds and then spoke for almost 10 minutes, but the reflection in the window could be observed as the train passed through the tunnel. The passengers near Xiao’s seat wear masks; Another video that analyzes electric cars does not wear masks from start to finish, which lasts up to 8 minutes. Netizens in the message area at the bottom of the two videos reminded Xiao Ruoyuan that unless there is a dietary requirement, he must wear a mask for the entire high-speed train journey; otherwise, you will be fined; Some netizens also warned that wearing a mask on the high-speed train is a way to protect your health and the health of others. High-speed train cars also need to be kept as quiet as possible, “it’s not a good place to record shows.”

Hong Kong’s “Apple News” contacted Xiao Ruoyuan today. He said: “That day a staff member recommended that I put the mask back on, so I put it on right away. In fact, I can eat in the car and a lot of people take my mask off. I’m not the only one. I already apologized today. “

Taiwan High Speed ​​Rail said today that after the investigation, the shift attendant found that the passengers were not wearing masks while patrolling the trains in this case, so they were advised on the spot to wear masks and turn down the volume to avoid affecting others, and the mouth also cooperated to correct them immediately. .

In this regard, the Taiwan High Speed ​​Railway Corporation urges passengers to seriously cooperate with the various measures of the autumn and winter epidemic prevention program. After entering the station, including unpaid areas such as station lobbies and lockers, they must wear masks. They must also wear masks throughout the trip. There is a dietary requirement: If you can maintain social distance, you must wear a mask immediately after eating. Passengers are required to comply with regulations and protect themselves and the health and safety of the public.

The high-speed train company emphasized that the high-speed train will also actively persuade passengers who have not worn masks in accordance with regulations and implement them in accordance with the guidelines of the Epidemic Central Command Center. If passengers encounter uncooperative behavior, they can respond to train service personnel, who will take care of it immediately. (Li Zihui / Taipei Report)
