Historic First P League / NBA Game To Kick Off Two Teams’ Login Roster Announced | Sports | NOWnews Today News


Historic First P League / NBA Game To Kick Off Two Teams’ Login Roster Announced | Sports | NOWnews Today News

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Historic first P League / NBA game to begin, two teams’ login roster announced

Reporter Huang Jianlin / Changhua Report

calendar_today2020-12-19 14:10:25

P. League + has raised issues before the start, especially dreamy star Tan Jielong is suspected of being involved in the indecent movie storm, which is the most surprising.  (The photo is taken from the official P.League + fan album)
▲ P.League + will have the opening game today. (The photo is taken from the official P.League + fan album)

The first match of the first year of the P.League + started today. The first game was a new Formosan dreamer against the Fubon Warriors at Changhua Stadium. Today, the league also announced the entry list of the two teams for this game. The game will be at 2:30 pm Open Fight.

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The 12 Fubon Warriors landed are: Lai Tingen, Jian Weiru, Zhang Zongxian, Zhang Bowei, Zhou Guiyu, Lin Zhijie, Lin Mengxue, Cai Wencheng, Xin Teli, Zeng Xiangjun, Shi Boen, and Saisef. The 12 dreamers who landed are: Chen Zhenjie, Tian Lei, Tu Ke, Yang Jingmin, Ji Songyou, Wang Baizhi, Lin Junji, Jay Lun, Yang Shengyan, Qian Kenny, Li Dewei, Wu Songwei.

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