High school student involved in sexual assault on classmate of fellow police officer father was bombed on Facebook-Free Times News


  1. High school student involved in sexual assault on a classmate in the same class
  2. The father of a high school police officer threatened to sexually assault his classmates for 2 years. Police confirmed that her father’s identity was clarified without favoritism | Sanli News Network SETN.com
  3. A high school girl was sexually assaulted for 2 years! The photo exposure went viral and the school responded late at night to ETtoday News Cloud
  4. Male high school student suspected of sexually assaulting classmates for 2 years and threatened with taking photos | China Television News 20200910 China Television
  5. Relying on dad is a cop! High school man invaded classmates for 2 years and violently took nude photos to show off Taiwan Apple Daily
  6. Go to Google News to see the full report