High-level police change list approved Huang Mingzhao and Huang Zongren to take over Kaohsiung and New Taipei Directors-Social-China Times


The police suddenly reported a high-level earthquake a few days ago that caused a lot of controversy, and today (12) the situation has been overwhelming. The two Kaohsiung and Tainan police chiefs Liu Boliang and Zhan Yongmao, who have just taken office for just half a year, are determined to be replaced. Criminal Director Huang Mingzhao and Chief Secretary of the Police Department Fang Yangning will take office; and Huang Zongren, deputy director of the Police Department, will take over the new Taipei City Police. The chief, the current New Taipei City Police Chief Chen Luwen, will take over as director of the Police University. It is understood that Interior Minister Xu Guoyong has approved these personnel and will be announced after Prime Minister Su Zhenchang’s approval. The transfer will take place this Friday (15).

Huang Zongren, deputy director of the Police Department, appointed the New Taipei city director as the city director for the second time.  (Average time database)
Huang Zongren, deputy director of the Police Department, appointed the New Taipei city director as the city director for the second time. (Average time database)
New Taipei City Police Chief Chen Luwen will be promoted to director of the Police College.  (Average time database)
New Taipei City Police Chief Chen Luwen will be promoted to director of the Police College. (Average time database)

This wave of high-level police changes can be seen as the most controversial transfer of personnel in history. Although the reason claimed by high-level officials is that Tainan City Police Chief Zhan Yongmao is responsible for the improper handling of the Ma National Women’s Congress, Liu Boliang is due to the investigation of the former punishment committee. public The case of President Shi Muqin was dropped 23 years ago when wealthy businessman Mao Zhong was asked to buy shares and he sadly resigned. Rumors about the “political conspiracy theory” are rampant.

Liu Boliang recently stated angrily that he only invested 100,000 in buying shares that year it was not a gift; Liu Boliang believed that if he was found to be accepting a gift, he would be transferred, but the police department has not investigated or questioned him since September last year. Now that he was transferred for this reason, he questioned: “If you don’t mark it, can you just determine on the basis that public officials may be so broke?” It is rumored that the intention to retire early has emerged.

However, in this wave of transfers from the nine heads of municipalities directly reporting to the central government, Taichung City Police Chief Yang Yuanming, who has been in office for more than three years, and the Chief of Police from Taipei City, Chen Jiachang, have not changed. However, since Chen Jiachang will also be retiring in July this year, it is also striking whether Yang Yuanming can take over as head of the capital.

Regarding this wave of hazy police personnel, it is rumored that Su Zhenchang was paving the way for Huang Mingzhao, who had worked with Taipei County, and arranged for him to be the Kaohsiung police chief, to supplement his qualifications and later follow the model of Chen Jiaqin to take over as a police officer. Director.

As for New Taipei City Police Commissioner Chen Yuwen, who has strict military management and valued performance, he also took over as director of the Police University in this wave of change. He is still expected to continue his promotion to the post of director, but after this storm, political backing appears to have become the future promotion of the police. “The only way to do this”, be it a blessing or a curse, has yet to be proven.

(Zhongshi News Network)
