Helpless! CPR rescued colleagues and defended volunteers: If the defendant succeeds, all of Taiwan will not learn CPR á Apple News Network | Apple Daily


A 28-year-old woman surnamed Zhu in Kaohsiung City was a former fire brigade ambulance volunteer. He has an EMT1 Emergency Rescue Technician license. Two months ago, a colleague from a company collapsed in shock at the office. Due to the remote location of the company, the nearest fire department is far away. To rescue punctuality, the company directly sent a car to assist in medical treatment, after two minutes in the car, the colleague suddenly lost his breath and heartbeat. However, a colleague who was rescued after the incident threatened to sue Zhu Nu with bruises on her chest. She was extremely helpless and uploaded a screenshot of the conversation between the two to Facebook’s “Breaking News Commune” and said that “Lei kindly killed her.”

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In a telephone interview with “Apple News”, Zhu Nv said that she was trained as an emergency ambulance technician and served as an ambulance volunteer in the fire department for 8 years. During this period, he had more than 20 cases of CPR. Two months ago, a colleague from the company suddenly broke out in a cold sweat and convulsed in shock. Other colleagues hurriedly asked Zhu Nu to come for emergency treatment. Zhu Nv said the company car raced to the hospital and took 25 minutes to arrive. She did CPR alone in the car. It took 15 minutes for her to regain spontaneous breathing and heartbeat. After returning from the rescue, the colleague recovered and the rescued colleague was questioned. Why does he have bruises in the middle of his ribs? He then said that correct CPR would not cause injury and kept questioning that Zhu Nv’s pressure was wrong, thus causing arrhythmia, and finally even threatened to sue, leaving Zhu Nv very helpless.

Zhu Nu uploaded a screenshot of the conversation between the two on Facebook, prompting heated discussions among netizens, who were fighting over Zhu Nu. Some netizens said, “No words, hey, should I sit on the sidelines?” And “Just don’t pressure him. Watch her breathe and save time and effort”, “This teaches everyone one thing, don’t help out when they come across things, save people and get scolded.”

When interviewed, Zhu Nv said that if she was really sued, would the people of Taiwan just stop learning CPR? After training in CPR and AED courses, he really ran into an emergency because everyone was scared of things. Therefore, I dare not save or help, etc. Is this positively useful for society? She didn’t switch hands and feet alone for 15 minutes, but the other party threatened to sue, which is really creepy.

This incident has sparked widespread discussion in the grassroots ambulance volunteer community, saying that if it really succeeds, is it encouraging people to die? If you’re having trouble with a stranger, do you need to “safeguard” or lend a hand? Zhu Nv said that saving the defendant against the defendant will actually make all of Taiwan’s medical personnel lose confidence in saving people, and will also extinguish enthusiasm for EMT’s rescue.

Jiang Junjie, Hualien County Fire Department Senior Ambulance Technician Jiang Junjie, said chest compressions can cause rib injuries, but shortness of breath and heartbeat will cause hypoxia in the brain, which will cause further harm to the human body. If you do not provide first aid because you are concerned about an “injury,” it can be described as a small loss. Article 14-2 of the “Emergency Ambulance Law” expressly stipulates that persons other than ambulance personnel who use emergency rescue equipment or provide first aid to avoid imminent danger to the lives of other persons shall be subject to the provisions of Civil Law and Criminal Law for the exemption of emergency asylum. When ambulance personnel are not on duty, the previous paragraph also applies.

The Ministry of Health and Social Welfare calls it the “law of the good Samaritan” (law of the good Samaritan). In the United States and Canada, it is a law that exempts rescuers who voluntarily help the injured and sick from liability. The purpose is to make the righteous and brave do good works. There are no worries about the future, and no need to worry about being held accountable for casualties caused by negligence, to encourage viewers to help the injured and sick. The name of the law comes from the famous metaphor of the Good Samaritan made by Jesus in the Bible. (Reported by Huang Ruijuan / Hualien)
