He was told about cancer! The man remembered 2 years ago when he asked about something in the palace and was surprised: it turns out that the god “remembers early” | New | NOWnews Today News


He was told about cancer! The man remembered 2 years ago when he asked about something in the palace and was surprised: it turns out that the god “remembers early” | New | NOWnews Today News

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He was told about cancer! The man recalls being shocked when he asked him about something in the palace two years ago: it turns out that the god “remembers early”

Editorial Center / General Report

calendar_today2020-12-15 23:24:04

▲ Netizens believe that low-key and solemn temples like Xingtian Temple are the true spiritual sustenance.  (Photo / Obtained from Facebook of
▲ A doctor told a netizen that he had cancer this year. He remembered that he had gone to the palace to ask questions two years ago, and he suddenly realized that the gods at that time “had been remembered.” (Schematic diagram, irrelevant to the parts / taken from the Facebook of “The five aspirations of the Xingtian Temple”)

In Taiwan, many families will establish shrines to worship gods and ancestors in their homes, in the hope that the gods and ancestors can protect their family members, their careers, and their health. Not only that, but many people even go to palaces and temples to ask the gods to guess and help the religious forces when they encounter problems in life. A male netizen shared his personal experience and revealed that a doctor told him he had cancer earlier this year. He only remembered that he had gone to the palace to ask questions two years ago. At that time, the gods had actually “suggested” them. Hot discussion.

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A netizen posted on the Facebook group “Lingyi Commune” that he was diagnosed with nasopharyngeal cancer earlier this year and only then did he recall the experience of going to the palace and asking questions two years ago. The original PO revealed that the moment the god said he had a mole on his nose, “If you don’t believe it, you can go and check it out.” However, the original PO did not understand the meaning. He only felt that there was a mole, and there was a mole. He did not go to the hospital to be examined. It wasn’t until a day after the cancer treatment ended that the original PO accidentally spilled the water while eating breakfast, and only then did he notice that the note under the dining room table was wet, and this note was Sister Gongmiao 2 years ago . The note written for him. At that time, the original PO was brought home and pressed under the dining room table. It wasn’t discovered until the water tipped over. The last line of the note says “Go to the ENT department to check the nasopharynx.” Implied. And not only that, the penultimate line of the note also said that the original PO should not stay in a smoking place for long. It can be said that the original PO was actually instructed to pay attention to the body, but the original PO could not Permeate.

▲ The note written by elder sister Gongmiao to netizens suffering from cancer two years ago clearly told her that
▲ The note written by elder sister Gongmiao to netizens suffering from cancer two years ago clearly told her to “go to the otolaryngology department to check the nasopharynx.” (Photo / Obtained from the Facebook Club “Lingyi Commune”)

As soon as the article came out, netizens responded by leaving messages below: “The gods also called my father for a physical exam, and his mouth and nose. The result was cancer of the tongue. Before it spread, he cut it off quickly. Fortunately, he was obedient. “The prince also tells the family that there is something in the nose, to check the nasopharynx”, “I wish you good health and a speedy recovery”, “This kind of thing also depends of if there is a fairy destiny. If you don’t have a predestined relationship, you can say whether or not you can get together. There is no possibility “,” This is not a clue, it is too clear “.

Many netizens are also expecting the original PO to announce what palace and temple it is, but because the association’s rules cannot reveal clues that refer to a particular palace and temple, the moderator also explained in the message area later on. , I hope everyone doesn’t ask again. (Publisher: Ni Haoxuan)

▲ Netizens suffering from cancer shared their personal experiences, and the super-predictive predictions of the gods surprised everyone.  (Photo / Obtained from the Facebook Club
▲ Netizens suffering from cancer shared their personal experiences, and the super-predictive predictions of the gods surprised everyone. (Photo / Obtained from the Facebook Club “Lingyi Commune”)

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