He received the notice of the interview: “Watching the time is scary!” Net Spit Insider: Be Psychologically Prepared | Life | Sanli News Net SETN.COM


Villager Center / Full report

Most people need to pass an interview before entering the company for work. Recently, a netizen received an interview notice when he was applying for a job, but he was a bit surprised when he saw that the interview time was about a holiday, so he asked about people’s experiences on the Internet. Exchange of opinions.

▲ Netizens are curious to know what kind of company is the vacation interview appointment? (Schematic / Photo data)

The netizen posted in the PTT career area a few days ago that he received an invitation for an interview after submitting his resume, because he had mentioned in his resume that he hoped to interview first by phone and video, and finally the other party directly arranged an interview vacation. One netizen said that the position he was applying for was not related to the service industry. From a variety of information, it was a normal company. Presumably due to non-public companies, there are few posts to share that can be found on the internet, so there is no way to get more information. This experience surprised him, it also revealed that the window was also for responding to the message outside of the day shift hours, making him wonder: “What kind of company would it be to have a vacation interview?”

▲ Netizens raised their job search experience and asked questions. (Image / Obtained from PTT)

Seeing the netizen’s doubts, someone who approached shared a relevant experience, “I had an interview with the boss when I was out of society and I told him that I could make an appointment for a vacation, and then I discovered that the boss was just me. speaking to understand my situation … not to interview new people. ” , “The old company had a holiday to find someone for an interview, but it was because I put off make-up day to work that day. Usually it was a two-day holiday.” “Everyone in my previous company worked until 9-10 pm, as did the bosses. These are evening and holiday interviews. A colleague previously suggested whether an interview during business hours would give people a better impression, and the boss said I had to go to work during working hours. What to face (prove), my black question mark. “

Many people have speculated that it may be a company that requires shifts. “There is a high probability that you will have to work on holidays after entering, and there is no overtime pay.” “It means that there is a great possibility of working overtime during the holidays.” It can be a shift business “,” If you want a horse to take a vacation, you will have to work overtime after the vacation “,” Generally there are interviews on holidays, but the company will work on holidays. If you don’t want to, don’t go to the interview. It’s Ray Corporation. “

But some people also said that they are not necessarily, “It is good to ask the type of work skillfully during the interview”, “HR is willing to work overtime on weekends for talents (talent)”, “I think you are well, I just follow you to arrange vacation interviews As long as the arrangements are well organized, interview attendees will also be paid overtime “,” Perhaps the interviewer will be paid overtime “and” Internet may not be exact when the villagers request it. “
