“He mimicked makeup and died at 37” without smoking, you’ll get invisible female lung adenocarcinoma killer-News-Free Health


“Imitation makeup Yaohou Yui” died yesterday (11th) of stage 4 lung adenocarcinoma at the age of 37. A large number of netizens felt sad. (The picture is taken from the imitation makeup from the Yaohou Yui face book)

[Health Channel / Comprehensive Report]Well known internet celebrity blogger “Imitation Makeup Yaohou Yui” died yesterday (11th) of stage 4 lung adenocarcinoma at the age of 37. A large number of Internet users are sad; lung cancer is currently in Taiwan Many celebrities such as Feng Feifei, Chen Wenqian, “Bao Ma”, Ke Wenzhe’s wife Chen Peiqi, etc. have suffered from adenocarcinoma of the lung. Because most patients do not smoke, the early symptoms of a cough are easy to ignore. Lung adenocarcinoma is like an invisible killer for women.

The National Health Administration noted that in Taiwan, lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death in the country. More than 9,000 people die from lung cancer each year. There are approximately 13,000 new cases of lung cancer in China each year. Among the causes of lung cancer, “smoking” is the most influential risk factor. Others include environmental factors (such as secondhand smoke, air pollution, oil fumes, radon, asbestos, arsenic), a history of disease (tuberculosis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, or a family history of lung cancer) etc., are also It has been noted that it will increase the chance of getting lung cancer.

The Ministry of Health and Education of Saint Martins Catholic Hospital in Chiayi noted that lung cancer is divided into small cell lung cancer and non-small cell lung cancer.
1. Small cell lung cancer: Small cell lung cancer accounts for 20% of all lung cancers. Because its shape is similar to oatmeal, it is also called oatmeal lung cancer. It is a very malignant disease. Small cell lung cancer occurs mainly in the hilar or main trachea and often invades the lymph and nearby large blood vessels. It has been shown to be closely related to smoking and radiation.

2. Non-small cell lung cancer: It is more common than small cell lung cancer and its incidence represents about 75% to 88% of all lung cancers. Due to the slower growth of non-small cell lung cancer, the speed of its spread and metastasis is also slower, depending on the pathological type it can be divided into three types:
(1) Squamous cell lung cancer: It accounts for 30-40% of all non-small cell lung cancers and is strongly related to smoking. The rate of metastasis is low, mainly in the hilar or main trachea.

Lung adenocarcinoma represents the highest incidence of lung cancer, and early metastasis is also high

(2) Lung adenocarcinoma: It accounts for 30-40% of lung cancers and is the most common type of lung cancer. Lung adenocarcinoma occurs mainly on the outer edge of the lung and the early metastasis rate is quite high; the most common metastatic sites include: lymph nodes, lung pleura, adrenal glands, central system, and bones.

(3) Large cell lung cancer: Also known as poorly differentiated lung cancer, it contains both small cell and non-small cell cancer cells. It represents 5-10% of all carcinoids. It is closely related to smoking and can occur anywhere. Its growth characteristics are a rapid growth of cancer cells and a high rate of early metastasis. Therefore, the prognosis is also bad.

Cough is the most common symptom of lung cancer, do not neglect a prolonged cough that does not heal, the picture shows a situation photo. (The photo is taken from freepik)

Common symptoms of lung cancer:
1. Cough: Cough is the most common symptom of lung cancer.
2. Blood in sputum, shortness of breath, chest pain.
3. Hoarseness: If the tumor compresses the recurrent laryngeal nerve, it can cause paralysis of the vocal cords and cause hoarseness.
4. Difficulty swallowing and weight loss.

Su Yifeng, a thoracic doctor at Yangming Hospital, notes that clinical experience has found that between 60% and 70% of lung cancer patients, when they arrive at the hospital with symptoms of airway discomfort, such as coughing, often they are already in the final stage of lung cancer and cannot be operated on. This is due to the chest. X-rays can only find lung cancer larger than 1 cm, and chest X-rays have many blind spots that cannot be seen clearly, such as: the anterior and posterior part of the cardiac mediastinum, the large blood vessels of the hilum, the apex of the lung or the junction of the bones below the diaphragm, etc. Dead spots will make it difficult to detect lung cancer.

Su Yifeng said that low-dose lung CT scan greatly improves the chances of an early diagnosis of lung cancer. It breaks the limit of X-rays where lung cancer can only be seen more than one centimeter, and the limit of X-ray blind spots. Although different hospitals use CT It is different, but most CT scans of Low dose lung can detect lung cancers 0.3 to 0.5 cm in size, which is the best weapon to detect lung cancer early.

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