He deposited the 38 million in the bank! Check the “balance is 0” after 2 years. The truth is overwhelming | New | NOWnews Today News


He deposited the 38 million in the bank! Check the “balance is 0” after 2 years. The truth is overwhelming | New | NOWnews Today News

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He deposited the 38 million in the bank! Check the “balance is 0” after 2 years, the truth is overwhelming

Editorial Center / General Report

calendar_today2020-11-10 18:28:48

▲ A man from the United Arab Emirates has 4.9 million dirhams (approximately NT $ 38.28 million) in his bank account. However, after checking the balance two years later, it was found that all deposits had returned to zero. (Schematic / Inverted from Pixabay)

Many people will deposit their deposits into their bank accounts and wait for them to be used when necessary. However, a man from the United Arab Emirates has 4.9 million dirhams (about NT $ 38.28 million) in the bank. However, after checking his balance two years later, he found that all deposits had returned to zero. Angry, he also sued the court.

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According to foreign media reports, a man named Buck in the United Arab Emirates deposited his 4.9 million dirhams (approximately NT $ 38.28 million) of deposits into a bank account. He originally wanted to use the funds for investments. Real estate, but since there is no favorite product, it is deposited in the bank. However, two years later, Buck wanted the money back, but the bank told him that there was not even half the money in the account, causing him to go to court in a fit of anger.

▲ Withdrawal.  (Schematic / Obtained from
▲ Buck discovered that all of his bank deposits were missing. (Schematic / Inverted from Pixabay)

Surprisingly, after investigation, it was discovered that the funds were stolen by bank employees. The report noted that a bank employee colluded with a stranger to spoof Barker’s name and collect Dh4.9 million in batches. In the end, the Dubai court sentenced them to two to three years in prison, and they will be deported after serving their sentences. In addition, Barker also filed a civil lawsuit, arguing that the bank should be liable for the actions of the employees. However, the bank found that Barker had not verified the invoices related to the account and was negligent. The Dubai court ultimately ruled that, along with Barker’s lost deposits, the bank must compensate Barker for a total of 5.5 million dirhams (approximately NT $ 43.96 million). (Editor: Chen Yayun)

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