Have the New Zealand pilots broken epidemic prevention? Emergency medic nailed it: Taiwanese don’t have magical powers | Life | Sanli News Network SETN.COM


Life Center / Reported by Chen Yourui

A confirmed case of Wuhan local pneumonia (COVID-19, new corona pneumonia) occurred in Taiwan on the 22nd and no local case has been successful for 253 consecutive days. This case is related to the meeting of national aviation pilots. In response, Xie Zongxue, director of the Children’s Emergency Department at Sun Yat-sen Medical University Hospital, sighed on a Facebook page “Diary of Dr. E’s Pediatric Emergency Room”, “Seeing the negligent attitude of foreign pilots in the face of epidemic prevention regulations, it is not difficult to imagine why the epidemic in Europe and the United States has been delayed. I cannot control it … “

▲ The Epidemic Central Command Center announced today that China has 4 new cases of Wuhan pneumonia. (Photo / provided by the Central Epidemic Command Center)

The Epidemic Central Command Center stated that on the 22nd a new confirmed case of Wuhan pneumonia (case 771) was registered, which was a 765 friend (a woman in her 30s) of the case, and was discovered and listed after the case investigation track record Collect and inspect contacts. The command center noted that Case 765 visited the Shin Kong Mitsukoshi Taipei Tianmu store from 11:30 to 12:30 on the 8th, visited the Far East SOGO Taipei Tianmu store from 18:30 to 19:30 on the 10th, and visited Costco on the 11th Nankan store, enter and exit the public for health management.

▲ Monitoring of domestic activity of case 765. (Photo / provided by the Central Command Center for Epidemics)

In this regard, Xie Zongxue analyzed that, fortunately, this local case is a case in which the source of infection can be traced. “But this non-compliant New Zealand pilot has already entered community activities. Will this cause a community epidemic? I need to keep watching”; Xie Zongxue explained, “Taiwanese do not have a special physique or magical protection.The ability to survive so far depends on national determination to prevent the epidemic and the correct government strategy. The infectious power of Wuhan pneumonia is staggering, and winter, when the temperature drops sharply, is the active period of the virus. Please don’t take it lightly. You should insist on wearing a mask and washing your hands frequently! “

Finally, Xie Zongxue also sighed: “Seeing the negligence of foreign pilots in epidemic prevention regulations, it is not difficult to imagine why the epidemic situation in Europe and the United States has been delayed …

See more recent reports on Wuhan Pneumonia (COVID-19, New Coronary Pneumonia): https://bit.ly/37gsay1

★ Sanli News Network reminds you:

Prevent Wuhan pneumonia, wash your hands frequently with soap, wear masks when necessary, avoid eating raw meat and eggs, go to places with a lot of people, and avoid contact with livestock and animals!

If you are unwell, take the initiative to report. If you suspect symptoms within 14 days, call the epidemic prevention line first, wear a mask, and seek medical treatment as soon as possible. Make sure to inform your doctor about your travel history.

※ Free line for the prevention of epidemics: 1922, 0800-001922
