Good Morning World, “the cold stream hit 16 counties and cities on New Year’s Eve to avoid freezing temperatures below 6 degrees | Life | Key News


the last update:2020/12/29 08:02

The Central Meteorological Office issued low temperature orange lights on the 28th for 16 counties and cities.  (The image is taken from the Central Meteorological Office website

The Central Meteorological Office issued low temperature orange lights on the 28th for 16 counties and cities. (The image is taken from the Central Meteorological Office website

Cold stream hits 16 counties and cities on New Years Eve to avoid low temperatures below 6 degrees

The Central Meteorological Office forecasts that the wind will begin to pick up in the afternoon of the 29th and the cold current will go south on the 30th. Temperatures in Taiwan will change dramatically. Starting in the afternoon of the 30th, local areas can experience low temperatures below 6 degrees. In addition, the General Administration of Roads stated that from the night of January 30 to 1 next year, the roads of Taiwan Highway Line 7 Beiheng, Taiwan Branch 7A Zhongheng Yilan, Taiwan Highway 8 Zhongheng, and Taiwan Highway 14A Hehuanshan they can freeze. Endanger security, will monitor and release control 3 hours in advance. (See full report)

The economic construction target GDP growth for 2021 will reach 4.2%, a maximum of 9 years

2021 is coming. The National Executive Yuan Development Commission has set an economic construction target for the new year based on the latest international situation. The target for Taiwan’s economic growth rate is 3.8% to 4.2%. The upper bound is not just 3.83 of what the General Accounting Office predicted in November. % Increased by 0.37 percentage points, which is also the highest in the last 9 years. (See full report)

If 3 people on the China Airlines flight in the UK are diagnosed with a TB variant of the virus

After quarantine measures for entry into Taiwan from the UK were strengthened, three people were diagnosed with Wuhan pneumonia on the first flight back to Taiwan, two of whom were Taiwanese in their 10s and one was a British citizen in his 30s. One of the confirmed cases had a fever when entering the country, but had no fever when he checked in or boarded the plane in the UK. As for whether these confirmed people who entered the country on a flight to China from the UK have a variant of the virus, Zhou Zhihao, the head of the command center’s epidemic monitoring team, said if the virus burden is high, results should be comparable in 3 days; But if the virus load is low, it will take time to cultivate talents. Will know. (See full report)

Crew home quarantine will increase from New Year’s Day to a 7-day independent health management period and will ban entry to 5 locations

The Epidemic Central Command Center announced on the 28th that the quarantine rules for crew members will be updated, except that the home quarantine will be extended to 7 days after returning to Taiwan, and inspections will be conducted on the date of expiration. From 8 to 14, follow the enhanced version of independent health management and daily temperature measurement. And symptom monitoring, a ban on public transport, a ban on entering and leaving places “difficult to maintain social distance and close contact with unspecified others,” such as wedding receptions, bars, discos, department stores and night markets. You should also wear a mask when you go out, record your itinerary in detail, and record your real name. The most serious infraction can be sanctioned with NT $ 1 million. (See full report)

Anti-epidemic update Taipei 101 High-altitude New Year’s Eve Party and Shin Kong Mitsukoshi Market canceled

In order to strengthen the prevention of the epidemic, Taipei 101 announced the cancellation of the high-altitude New Year’s Eve fireworks party, and the market activities and New Year’s Eve parties of the Xinyi district of Shin Kong department store were also canceled. Mitsukoshi. Also, New Taipei Mayor Hou Youyi said that outdoor gatherings and large-scale events should be closed if the real-name system cannot be used to control crowds. Subsequently, the city government office announced that the Bali fireworks would be postponed and that the flag-raising event was switched to live online. (See full report)

Trump Signs Taiwan Guarantee Act to Promote Normalization of Arms Sales to Taiwan

The President of the United States, Trump, formally signed the appropriation bill on the 27th. The provisions of the “Taiwan Guarantee Law” included in it urge the United States government to normalize arms sales to Taiwan. , support Taiwan’s meaningful participation in international organizations, and review the State Department guidelines for exchanges with Taiwan. These provisions also require that within 180 days of the bill’s entry into force, the Secretary of State submits a report to the Senate and House Foreign Relations Committee, explaining the results of the guidance review. of the State Council on relations with Taiwan, the updated version of the guidelines for exchanges with Taiwan and the implementation of the Taiwan Travel Law. Su Ziyun, a military expert, said the Taiwan Guarantee Act helps the United States sell arms to Taiwan and reduce political interference. (See full report)

BERI Taiwan and South Korea Global Investment Risk Assessment Tied for Third Place in the World

According to the latest investment environment risk assessment report issued by the US Business Environment Risk Assessment Corporation (BERI), Taiwan’s total score increased by 1 point to 62 points. The classification was the same as the last time, maintaining third place in the world, only surpassed by Switzerland, Norway and South Korea. Tied for No. 3 and No. 1 in Asia. (See full report)

Special column / Taiwan’s image growth of 330% is being reshaped in Vietnam

For Yue Sheng, Taiwan is full of human contact, a convenient public transportation system, and an advanced and progressive place to study. The two hour flight distance from home is like flying from North Vietnam to South Vietnam. The cost of studying abroad is not high and it can also reduce the burden at home. The Taiwan police do not seek compensation for serving the people, which especially impressed Yue Sheng. (See full report)

12 Hong Kong Smuggling Cases Sentenced to Court for Refusing to Observe Family Members for Secret Trial

The 10 adults charged in the 12 Hong Kong smuggling cases were tried for the first time at the Yantian Court in Shenzhen, Guangdong province, China, on the afternoon of the 28th. The court announced an elective sentence. Family members of the parties asked the Chinese authorities not to delay their release. The family’s statement noted that the court claimed the trial was open, but refused to allow relatives to listen on the grounds that the seats were taken. Officially appointed attorneys also declined to respond to family calls and messages from relatives. They criticized this trial as a totally secret trial. Regardless of the future evolution of the incident, the Chinese communist authorities have long deprived 12 Hong Kong people of their basic rights. The process was unfair and unfair, and it was an overt political persecution. (See full report)

Demon Slayer Blade Breaking God’s Hidden Girl’s 20-Year Record Is Japan’s Best-Selling Film

An animated film adapted from the popular Japanese manga “Demon Slayer” has a box office of 32.4 billion yen (approximately NT $ 8.9 billion) in 73 days, and has won the title of “Hidden Girl” as champion of Japanese movie box office for 20 years. Demon Slayer’s Blade editor Toho looked at two main reasons for the hot sale. One is that the work itself is brilliant and the plot and animation production are of a high standard; the other is that during the screening period, affected by the Wuhan pneumonia epidemic, many people stay home and watch the original comics and television. Animation, along with the postponement of Hollywood movies, allows Ghosts to have the largest number of screens and screenings. (See full report)

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