Good Morning World “Laizhu’s 9 administrative orders are approved for inspection and implementation from New Year’s Day next year | life | key news


the last update:12/25/2020 09:59

The Legislative Yuan passed an administrative order on the night of the 24th to open the import of pork with traces of clenbuterol and ractopamine, which will take effect on New Year's Day next year.  The picture shows Taiwanese domestic pork on display in a hypermarket.  (Central News Agency file photo)

The Legislative Yuan passed an administrative order on the night of the 24th to open the importation of pork with traces of clenbuterol and ractopamine, which will take effect on New Year’s Day next year. The picture shows Taiwanese domestic pork on display in a hypermarket. (Central News Agency file photo)

Laizhu’s 9 administrative orders are approved for inspection and implementation from New Year’s Day next year.

On the 24th, the Legislative Yuan will attend 9 administrative orders related to the importation of American pigs containing lysates and American cattle older than 30 months. The DPP group uses its numerical advantage to reject the proposal not to be reviewed. All administrative orders will come from January 1, 2021. Implement. In response to this result, KMT Chairman Jiang Qichen bowed to his party lawmakers to apologize and said that he had filed a referendum case to appeal for direct civil rights. Li Mengyan, general secretary of the Executive Yuan, said that every business day in the future, information panels will be posted on the websites of the Ministry of Health and Welfare and the Council of Agriculture, explaining the production of domestic pigs that day, the number of pigs imported in various countries and the results of the inspection. (See full report)

New Zealand pilot fines EVA Air $ 1 million for violating ministry of transport and epidemic prevention

A New Zealand pilot diagnosed with Wuhan pneumonia. The Taoyuan City Health Bureau fined him 300,000 yuan for failing to comply with anti-epidemic regulations and caused a recurrence of local cases in Taiwan. In addition, his employer, Evergreen Airlines, was fined 1 million yuan by the Ministry of Transportation on the 24th. Recently, information about the pilot’s epidemic has circulated on the Internet. Chen Shizhong, the commander of the Epidemic Command Center, said the highest criteria for the fingerprint announcement is “whether you can catch it or not, you can post it if you can’t catch it.” The mixture of true and false information on the Internet will provoke society. Due to confusion, the information published by the command center will prevail. In addition, 176 contacts of the Quanta Group employees who were infected by the pilot tested negative. Chen Shizhong also clarified that this employee did not participate in the Taipei Marathon as reported online. (See full report)

Yilan has rained for 28 consecutive days, breaking records

The Meteorological Office said on the 24th that the number of consecutive rainy days in Yilan reached 28 days, updating the all-time record for the number of consecutive rainy days in the local area. There is still possibility to continue watching. Also, the temperature will fluctuate in the next week. The annual low temperature in Taipei is estimated to be around 9 degrees Celsius. (See full report)

The number of confirmed cases of the British variant of the virus imported to Singapore and Japan reached a record high.

The new coronavirus has emerged in the UK with a highly contagious new variant. The Singapore Ministry of Health said that a 17-year-old citizen who was recently diagnosed was infected with the variant of the virus. The fever in Japan has not abated. On the 24th, 3,332 newly diagnosed cases reached a record high and the number of seriously ill patients also set a new record. The number of confirmed cases in Thailand has skyrocketed in recent days. The Epidemic Command Center decided on the 24th not to close the country or the city, but New Year’s Eve activities must be scaled down or limited in number. Russia reported a new record of 29,935 confirmed highs in one day, and officials also stated that there is no need to implement national lockdown measures. (See full report)

“Dragon Five” requested suspension of Hua Qiangti’s Li Zhiying Twitter account for his residence in Taiwan

Continental Affairs Council spokesman Qiu Chuizheng confirmed on the 24th that Xiang Huaqiang, a Hong Kong television and film mogul who played “Dragon Five” in the “God of Gamblers” film series, had requested the residence in Taiwan of your relatives. It is currently being administered by the competent authority and will be reviewed in accordance with the regulations. On the other hand, after the Hong Kong High Court granted bail to Li Zhiying, the founder of Next Media Group, his Twitter account for Hong Kong Democracy was suspended on the 24th due to strict bail conditions. established by the Hong Kong High Court, including a ban on Post messages on social media. (See full report)

Alibaba’s share price plummeted under investigation by Chinese authorities

On the morning of the 24th, the State Administration for Market Regulation issued a message on its official website, stating that Alibaba Group Holdings Co., Ltd. has reportedly been investigated in accordance with the law on “choice of dos “and other alleged monopolistic activities. The official People’s Daily commented that this survey is to guide the healthy development of the platform’s economy, and the supportive attitude of the state remains unchanged. (See full report)

Trump pardons 26 people, including in-laws and key players in Russia

Added the long list of amnesties for US President Trump at the end of his term. On the 23rd, a total of 26 allies received Trump’s amnesty, including the father of his son-in-law Kushner, Charles. Kushner, who pleaded guilty to 18 counts of tax evasion, witness interference and illegal election donations in 2004, and was sentenced to two years in prison. Additionally, Trump also pardoned the 4 guards who killed 14 civilians in Iraq in 2007, drawing ire from all walks of life. (See full report)

US Army Appoints First Aircraft Carrier Captain in History to Command Lincoln

The U.S. Navy announced on the 23rd that after completing his training in nuclear power systems, aviation command, and leadership skills, Colonel Bowenschmidt will serve as captain of the USS Lincoln in the summer of 2021, becoming the first woman in US history to serve as a ship captain. (See full report)

Analysis of ancient DNA by a multinational team confirms that the aborigines of Guam originated in Taiwan

The multinational team involved Taiwanese archaeologist Hong Xiaochun discovered through ancient DNA analysis. In 2016, the research team unearthed two prehistoric human bones from beach cave sites in northern Guam. After conducting an analysis and comparison of ancient DNA, they found its relationship to northern Luzon, Philippines. The Kankanai tribe and the Amis tribe in Taiwan are the closest, confirming that the ancestors of the indigenous peoples of Guam can be traced back to Taiwan. (See full report)

Top 10 annual international news from China Central News Agency, the epidemic reaches the first place in the world

The Central News Agency selects the top 10 national, international and China news in 2020, and the materials are as of November 30. Among the top 10 international news items, the Wuhan pneumonia epidemic reached the first place in the world, followed by the controversial US presidential elections, and the “The Fate of Black People” campaign also made the list. (See full report)

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