Go to All Union Federation early in the morning! Saw “surprise shellfish” taking pictures madly and mother-in-law kneels | New | NOWnews Today News


Run to the All Union Federation early in the morning! Saw “surprise seafood” taking pictures madly and mother-in-law kneels | New | NOWnews Today News

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NOWnews Today's News

Editorial Center / General Report

2021-01-04 08:23:02

▲ Original PO arrived in Quanlian early in the morning and found a row of specially priced mackerel.  (Composite image / photographed from Facebook
▲ Original PO arrived in Quanlian early in the morning and found a row of specially priced mackerel. (Composite image / photographed from Facebook “Quanlian Consumer Experience Honestly”)

The supermarket chain “Quanlian Welfare Center” has everything available, affordable prices and a large number of branches, it has become one of the lords of the supermarket. In response to this, on the 3rd, a netizen mentioned in the Facebook group “Quanlian Consumer Experience Honestly” that she accidentally found a row of specially priced mackerel in Quanlian early in the morning. He took some boxes to the counter to review and publish a post. After the exhibition, the entire audience rioted and shouted “I never met!”

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The original PO stated that when he went to Quanlian on the morning of the last day of the consecutive vacation, he accidentally saw a whole row of red stickers on the refrigerator. It turned out to be 40% off mackerel, and he immediately brought 6 boxes to the counter. The account is ready to be stored in your home freezer. The original PO posted the bill of payment and photos of the trophy and shared it with netizens, praising “This mackerel has been bought many times. It is tender and juicy and not salty. It can be eaten alone without white rice,” and said: “How can so many get 60% off today? I can’t buy it all!”

▲ The original PO arrived in Quanlian early in the morning on vacation and accidentally found a row of mackerel at a special price.  (Photo / Obtained from Facebook
▲ The original PO arrived in Quanlian early in the morning on vacation and accidentally found a row of mackerel at a special price. (Photo / Obtained from Facebook “Quanlian Consumer Experience Honestly”)

As soon as the post came out, the moms and moms rebelled in response to “good luck”, “they never met!”, “How lucky! Maybe everyone is climbing the mountain and you won’t be able to buy a 40% discount after taking the fakes “,” Envy, I did not buy it with a 40% discount, our family loves this fish “,” I want to buy it too “,” It’s a bargain, worth going back to buy ice “,” I have not bought a 40% discount on seafood “,” This fish is well fried and can be done Cold dishes can be turned into fish thread or fried rice with mackerel “.

However, some netizens said, “This mackerel will taste fishy when eaten alone. Lemons need to be prepared. Squeeze a little lemon juice over the fish to make it fragrant and delicious.” (Publisher: Lai Yongjing)

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