Get out of the country to explode! UK students diagnosed with an emergency return to Taiwan and Indonesian migrant workers add 20 more infected with the virus


[Transmisión en vivo]24 overseas immigration cases have skyrocketed, Chen Shizhong went to the live line to explain the latest situation | 2020.11.30

The Epidemic Central Command Center announced today (30) that 24 newly imported cases of new coronary pneumonia were diagnosed in China, marking a new record in 8 months. The countries that imported were 20 cases in Indonesia (Case 653, Case 655 to 668, Case 672 to 676)), 2 cases in the United States (Case 670, 671), 1 case each in the United Kingdom (Case 654) and the Philippines (case 669). Among them, case 654 was a student who returned home after being diagnosed in the UK. Chen Shizhong said the legal system has been asked to intervene to find out if there are any violations of the return to the country. If there is any violation, a penalty will be imposed according to the law.

According to the command center, the 20 new immigration cases from outside Indonesia today are all Indonesian migrant workers. There are 17 women and 3 men, between 20 and 40 years old. The entry date is between November 20 and November. 27. Case 674 developed sore throat on November 29 and the remaining 19 people have entered the country so far without symptoms. In response to the recent rapid increase in immigration cases from outside Indonesia, the command center asked the health unit to conduct a comprehensive inspection of Indonesian migrant workers at the centralized quarantine sites on November 27. A total of 939 people were inspected, of which 916 were negative and 23 positive (3 People were announced on November 29, 20 people were diagnosed today).

The command center noted that Case 654 was a woman in her 20s who went to study in the UK in September (2019). Since November 7 of this year, she has had a runny nose, fever, and abnormal smell and taste. He did not seek medical treatment in the UK. The local inspection was conducted on November 11 and the diagnosis was confirmed on November 13. The case returned to China on November 27 and reported having symptoms when it entered the country. The inspection was carried out at the airport and the diagnosis was confirmed today. Contacts are investigated on the same flight.

The command center stated that Case 669 is a 30-year-old man who is a wanted criminal. He left Taiwan in June 2015. On November 16 of this year he developed a cough and headache in the Philippines. He only took his own medications and did not seek medical treatment. He was wanted. The case was repatriated from the Philippines to Taiwan on November 27, and the results of the inspection at the airport at the time of entry were negative. The second sampling was carried out on November 28 and the diagnosis was confirmed today. A total of 27 contacts have been registered, of which 11 were on the same flight. Passengers in the two rows of seats in the front and rear are in home isolation. 16 people are in contact after entry and medical treatment. One of them is in home isolation because they do not wear protective equipment. The remaining 15 people are duly protected and placed in an independent health management.

The command center noted that Case 670 is a 30-year-old man who studied in the United States in August of last year and returned to China on November 22 of this year. After entering the country, he was subjected to home quarantine. Since November 24, he has successively developed a cough, runny nose, and abnormal smell and taste. The symptoms were reported to the health unit on November 27 to arrange medical examinations, and today the diagnosis was confirmed; contacts on the same flight are under investigation.

According to the command center, Case 671 is a 50-year-old man who has lived in the United States for a long time (the last departure from Taiwan was in July this year). He returned to China on November 20 and undergoes home quarantine after entering the country. It has appeared successively on November 26. Symptoms of a sore throat, cough and runny nose were reported to the health unit on November 27 to arrange a medical examination and were diagnosed today. Since the case had been quarantined at home 2 days before the start of the initiation and did not come into contact with other people during this period, it is not necessary to list contacts.

According to statistics from the command center, so far a total of 110,332 cases of notifications related to novel coronavirus pneumonia have been reported in the country (including 108,689 excluded cases), of which 675 cases were confirmed, 583 cases were imported from the exterior, 55 local cases, 36 cases in the Dunmu fleet and 1 unknown case; One case (case 530) removed the empty number. Of the confirmed cases, 7 died, 565 were released from isolation, and 103 were hospitalized in isolation.

(Zhongshi News Network)
