General news of epidemics | The second wave of epidemics is out of control, France has closed the city for a month! Germany closes restaurant cinemas | Apple News | Apple Daily


After Wuhan pneumonia spread from China to the world in December last year, to this day (29), more than 44.36 million people have been infected with the disease, of which more than 1.172 million Have they died.

French President Macron announced on Wednesday (10/28) that the national blockade will be implemented again. The national lockdown order will go into effect on Thursday (10/29) evening and “will continue at least until December 1.” Under the second lockdown order, people need certificates before they can move, unless industries necessary for people’s livelihood are closed. Macron also suggested that violators be fined; schools stay open and people can work in companies and people can go to nursing homes. Visit family and friends; factories and farms can also continue to operate; some utilities departments will continue to operate to limit economic losses caused by the nationwide shutdown.

German Chancellor Merkel announced on Wednesday (10/28) that to curb the continued increase in new cases of pneumonia in Wuhan, restaurants, bars, cinemas, theaters and other leisure facilities will be closed for 4 weeks starting next Monday ( 2/11). Under the new anti-epidemic measures, private gatherings will limit the participation of up to 10 people from two families; restaurants, bars, theaters, cinemas, swimming pools, gyms will be closed and concerts will be canceled; including the German Football League (Bundesliga) All professional sporting events must be held behind closed doors. Additionally, the government requires people to avoid all non-essential travel, and overnight accommodation services will only be provided for necessary business trips. However, schools, daycare centers and businesses can continue to operate as long as they comply with the rules of social distancing and epidemic prevention.

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【China epidemic】

The National Health Commission of China announced on the 27th that 42 new cases were confirmed in the last 24 hours, 42 cases, including 22 local cases (all in Xinjiang) and 20 imported cases (Shanghai 7 cases, Shaanxi 6 cases and Guangdong 2 cases. ), Tianjin case 1, Hebei case 1, Inner Mongolia case 1, Henan case 1, Sichuan case 1); no new cases of death.

Of the 22 newly diagnosed cases in Xinjiang, all previously classified as asymptomatic infections became diagnostic. In addition, 19 new asymptomatic infections were added, all in Shufu County, Kashgar Prefecture.

The outbreak of pneumonia in Wuhan in Hong Kong eased somewhat. Today, two new cases were imported from Indonesia and India. This is the third day in a row that there were no local cases, and only single digit cases were confirmed for 6 consecutive days.

According to official Chinese figures, a total of 91,224 people in China (including Hong Kong and Macau) are currently infected with the disease, of whom 4,739 have died.

【International epidemic】

According to a report by the Central News Agency, the Pacific Marshall Islands confirmed the first batch of confirmed cases of COVID-19 (COVID-19, Wuhan pneumonia), and is no longer one of the few countries in the world without an epidemic. . The patients were two members of the US garrison personnel on Kwajalein Atoll. After arriving on a military plane from Hawaii, they tested positive for the new coronavirus.

French President Macron announced on Wednesday (10/28) that the national blockade will be implemented again. The national lockdown order will go into effect on Thursday (10/29) evening and “will continue at least until December 1.” Under the second lockdown order, people need certificates before they can move, unless industries necessary for people’s livelihood are closed. Macron also suggested that violators be fined; schools stay open and people can work in companies and people can go to nursing homes. Visiting family and friends; factories and farms can also continue to operate; some utilities departments will continue to operate to limit economic losses caused by the nationwide shutdown.

German Chancellor Merkel announced on Wednesday (10/28) that to curb the continued increase in new cases of pneumonia in Wuhan, restaurants, bars, cinemas, theaters and other leisure facilities will be closed for 4 weeks starting next Monday ( 2/11). Under the new anti-epidemic measures, private gatherings will limit the participation of up to 10 people from two families; restaurants, bars, theaters, cinemas, swimming pools, gyms will be closed and concerts will be canceled; including the German Football League (Bundesliga) All professional sporting events must be held behind closed doors. Additionally, the government requires people to avoid all non-essential travel, and overnight accommodation services will only be provided for necessary business trips. However, schools, daycare centers and businesses can continue to operate as long as they comply with the rules of social distancing and epidemic prevention.

Europe is experiencing a second wave of epidemics, with Belgium and Switzerland facing a crisis of insufficient medical resources. Top Belgian health officials noted that the number of hospital beds across the country will reach saturation in two weeks. On the 27th, the country admitted 689 patients with a clear diagnosis, setting a new record, with an average of 13,858 new cases in the last 7 days. Furthermore, a Swiss health official revealed that the number of beds in intensive care units across the country will reach saturation in 11 days, and the total number of hospital beds will reach saturation in 15 days. The country’s second wave of infection rates was the highest in Europe, with the number of confirmed cases per million people rising from 59 on October 1 to 888 on October 25.

Poland announced on the 28th that there were 18,820 new confirmed cases and 236 deaths. The number of new confirmed cases and the number of deaths in a single day reached a record high. The country’s anti-abortion law marches erupted recently. . In Poland, a total of 299,049 confirmed cases and 4,848 deaths were confirmed.

Italy implemented a series of measures against the epidemic on the 26th, including bars and restaurants that will close at 6 p.m., and public stadiums, cinemas, swimming pools and other places that are temporarily closed. People were not satisfied with the life restrictions and took to the streets to demonstrate. When Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte announced the launch of a 5 billion euro rescue plan, he warned that “this is not the Italy we want” and said that it is possible to implement national blockade measures again.

The Czech Republic added 15,663 confirmed cases on the 27th, a record for the number of new confirmed cases in a single day. Germany added 14,964 new cases in a single day and set a new record for the number of new cases in a single day Chancellor Merkel will meet with state governors to discuss further epidemic prevention measures.
